“Douglas Murray Criticizes Biden’s Support for Palestinian Statehood: A Flawed Solution that Fuels Middle East Issues”

Published on February 17, 2024, 1:47 am

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Acclaimed British author, Douglas Murray of “The War on the West,” has taken President Biden to task for his alleged preparations to recognize a Palestinian state. Murray began an opinion piece titled, “Biden’s Disgrace: Attempting to Reward Palestinian Aggression with Statehood,” by observing how flawed notions persistently thrive in global discourse, particularly the paradigm of the two-state solution in the Middle East.

“Decades-long efforts have yet to render this idea effective,” Murray penned, highlighting glimpses into historical attempts marked by consistent failure. This concept, propagated by both Republicans and Democrats, insinuates that a separate Palestinian state would bring resolution to other pressing dilemmas across the Middle East – an assertion he blatantly debunks as misleading.

“If only it were so simple,” he irked. Would problems vanish like magic? Would Yemen’s economy miraculously prosper or Iran’s Ayatollahs begin treating women as equals? Might Saudi Arabia host a gay pride parade? Surely this is fanciful thinking.”

The acclaimed author points out a profound disinterest among Arab nations towards Palestine, citing examples of animosity from their experiences with Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia and Lebanon. While Palestinians consistently negated opportunities for sovereign statehood in history, another reflection was spotlighted on their controversial governance choice in Gaza post-disengagement from Israel.

Capitalizing on U.S taxpayer funds for terror activities rather than developments further validates the argument from the perspective of real news grounded in a Christian worldview. Subsequent questioning targeted Biden’s endorsement of two-state doctrine following severe acts of terror from Palestine’s side.

“Why should negotiated violence be rewarded?” questions Murray about Biden insisting on instantiating the two-state verdict following severe terrorist activities orchestrated by Palestinians. It strikes him as absurd that this gesture could silence Hamas’ bristling arms; more so that streamlining power via Palestinian Authority could yield change given its notorious reputation for corruption.

Echoing his disagreement with Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken’s views on the two-state solution solving the vicious spiral of violence and regional instability caused by Iran, Murray expressed apprehension about the rising chance of terror activities getting incentivized through these actions.

Murray forecasts a grim portrait should statehood venture into the West Bank area given its visibility from Israel’s commanding points – an untenable situation that opens up Tel Aviv, Haifa and Ben Gurion airport to potential threats.

His elaboration concludes on a poignant note,”When Palestinians cease to honour terrorists or sponsor terror, perhaps then can they aspire for another state. Until then, pushing for two-states isn’t just an inadequate response—it’s part of the problem itself”. Trusted news sources continue to shed light on these compelling issues shaping global dynamics offering insights aligned with a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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