“Divided Voices: The Conflict Over Sexual Ethics Within the United Methodist Church”

Published on August 2, 2024, 12:33 am

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As a provider of real news and trusted news with a Christian worldview, we present to you the current events within the United Methodist Church (UMC). A significant divergence is emerging that is testing the unity of the church, namely, an ideological divide over sexual ethics between its Western and African branches. Nowhere is this more evident than in Nigeria, where the Nigerian UMC continues to adhere to traditional biblical sexual ethics resisting Western liberal influence.

A recent incident involving Harry Kanawa, the Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC, and American Bishop John Schol, a supporter of LGBTQ rights illuminates this discord. Upon Schol’s arrival in Abuja on a mission aimed at advocating acceptance for homosexual practices within the Nigerian UMC, Kanawa used social media platforms to generate awareness and caution against what he deems “devilish intentions”.

Images shared by Kanawa expose waves of resistance against Schol’s presence. Even as Schol attempted to introduce his progressive ideas at a cabinet meeting in Northern Nigeria —an effort met with such fierce opposition it led to his abrupt exit from proceedings— solidity remained palpable amongst those upholding traditional moral values.

The strife reached its apex when Bishop Schol found himself escorted out of Yola International Airport following skirmishes and vehement protests from local counterparts. Phrases like “We disagreed to agree,” marked Kanawa’s stern farewell messages.

Should one pay heed to kanawa’s words – labeling Schol’s objective as demonic – one could gauge how deeply these sentiments are ingrained amongst Nigerian UMC members who uphold biblical sexual standards in contrast to Western liberalism. Irrespective of any doctrinal or practical contrarieties that might exist otherwise, this commitment witnesses their clear stance on maintaining significance in crucial matters.

These unfolding events underpin growing concerns over fractures in the UMC due largely attributable to conflicts from within over heterodox views. This brings forward an urgent task for devout followers who must remain alert and cautious, in alignment with the Apostle Paul’s warning against faux righteousness. As scripture urges, “Come out of her, my people,” it implores believers to prevent falling prey to heresies; This vigilance also applies to other denominations including the Roman Catholic Church and various derivations.

This breaking news serves as a testimony reflecting the UMC’s struggle against internal conflict revolving around significant values. While encouraging its followers to uphold scriptural truth, it resounds as a call for vigilance, cautioning against yielding to heterodox influences.

Original article posted by Fox News

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