“Dissecting the Cultural Conflict in United Methodist Church: Progressive Western Values Vs. Traditional African Beliefs”

Published on August 3, 2024, 12:29 am

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The United Methodist Church (UMC) is currently experiencing a stern trial of its values, particularly concerning its approach to sexual ethics. This test goes beyond geographical borders, presenting as a rift between the progressive leanings of the UMC’s American and Western branches and the adherence to biblical teachings observed by African members.

This conflict has been particularly conspicuous in Nigeria where supporters of traditional values under the umbrella of Nigerian UMC have stoutly resisted pressures from abroad. The Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC, Mr. Harry Kanawa, recently raised an alarm through social media over what he believes is encroachment on their religious doctrine by Bishop John Schol from America. Bishop Schol is known for his active support towards LGBTQ rights.

On his visit to Nigeria, Mr. Kanawa bluntly termed Bishop Schol’s mission as being driven by “devilish intentions”. He accused the American bishop of attempting to introduce and accept homosexual practices within the Nigerian UMC fold.

Mr. Kanawa notably shared instances from a Northern Nigeria cabinet meeting which was disrupted due to strong opposition against Bishop Schol’s proposed liberal doctrines. According to Mr.Kanawa’s social media posts that featured images portraying vehement protests, Bishop Schol left the meeting venue hastily due to staunch objection towards his views.

On reporting about significant push-backs faced by Bishop Schol during his visit in Nigeria, Mr.Kanawa signaled a clear message – external influences challenging their long-held beliefs will not be accepted willingly in Nigeria at least when it comes to matters related to the UMC.

While these developments indicate an internal discord within UMC, they also highlight tenacity and determination amongst believers who want their religious semantics unaltered. It accentuates how deeply ingrained are certain ethics in some societies where religion influences day-to-day life extensively.

In light of recent events and according to Bible teachings warning about false prophets, there is a crucial need for consistent vigilance. Followers of religious doctrines must ensure that their beliefs aren’t swayed by external pressures. Though the context might differ, this scripture holds relevance: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues” – a warning for believers to not get lured into paths not attributed towards their faith or as per their Christian worldview.

In conclusion, as the UMC struggles through this phase marked with internal conflict across international boundaries, it is important to remember that members globally are entitled to their beliefs under the umbrella term of ‘Christian’. This unfolding real news serves to reinforce how shared religion can still be diversified by cultural and societal nuances. It reiterates that navigating this fine line between upholding traditional ethics while embracing progressiveness is indeed a tight-rope walk; thus requiring patient negotiation rather than abrupt strides.

Original article posted by Fox News

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