“Dissecting the Controversies Embedded in the Democratic Party’s Foreign Policy Platform Ahead of the 2024 Elections”

Published on August 22, 2024, 12:29 am

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In light of the upcoming 2024 election period, the Democratic party’s foreign policy platform has become a topic of significant controversy. Rather than a presentation of concrete policies and achievements, critics argue that this platform is a narrative centered on historical revisionism.

The record of foreign policy under the Biden-Harris administration over the past few years appears to have been, at best, overlooked or misrepresented by this platform. The most glaring gaps are found in its coverage of Afghanistan, where a single mention refers pejoratively to the “end of America’s longest war” and “the largest resettlement effort since Vietnam”. However, it fails to mention that Americans were left stranded behind enemy lines due to what many view as an ill-planned exit strategy – a retreat that tragically resulted in the loss of 13 military lives and triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

The platform further proclaims itself as championing for women’s rights without acknowledging its oversight in abandoning Afghan women and girls to Taliban rule – a fact that doesn’t fit snugly into their altruistic image.

Iran is addressed in seemingly Orwellian terms within the platform, which highlights an “aggressive diplomacy” aimed at defending against Iran. Critics argue this thinly veils relentless appeasement along with unchecked assaults on US troops and diplomats plus billions funnelled into economic relief for Iran – frequently labeled as a leading state sponsor of terrorism.

Looking towards Russia, it is claimed that Democrats have successfully assisted Kyiv in defending its territory. Yet during their tenure, Russia ruthlessly traversed through Ukraine. Despite hindsight illuminating these events clearer every day, what resonates for many are the delayed reactions from Biden-Harris administration and reluctance to sanction Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

Within its Middle East section, there seems an attempt at maintaining neutrality— expressing sympathies with Israel while acknowledging Palestinian afflictions—but ultimately failing both sides by not taking decisive actions.

Encircling China’s Communist Party, the platform discusses stringent deterring strategies yet fails to outline a clear mechanism of victory or concrete containment actions. It vaguely suggests pathways for cooperation with China in areas deemed common-ground such as “addressing the climate crisis,” leaving many questioning its real commitment to American security.

The contentious issue of border policies raises eyebrows too, as the platform lauds the White House’s supposedly “decisive action to secure our borders” while critics retort that an escalation in illegal border crossings and ensuing chaos have been overlooked.

Furthermore, it purports enhanced relations across Latin America“without explicitly mentioning newly forged alliances with Left-wing authoritarians like FARC and Maduro who benefitted from sanction reliefs and political legitimization during their sham elections.

Finally, boasting about “historic investments” in military capacity rings hollow when contrasted with an attempt by this administration to reduce Pentagon’s buying power. Critics point out that under Biden-Harris, military budgets have shrunk to their smallest size since World War II.

The recent spate of global unrest and conflicts stands testament against these claims featured on their foreign policy platform. The general sentiment vocalized by worried Americans indicates a perception of weakened national security under current leadership, instilling fear that a continuation of this trajectory may accelerate existing issues rather than pave the way toward resolution. With real news scrutinizing these matters through a Christian worldview lens and trusted news enabling informed citizens– the call for transparency, honesty and accountability has never felt more timely.

Original article posted by Fox News

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