“Disguised Agendas Within The Church: Unveiling the Evangelical Immigration Table’s Propaganda”

Published on January 24, 2024, 2:05 am

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In today’s society where the line between real news and distortion often blurs, separating truth from misinformation has become a critical necessity. More so, when trusted news outfits use their platform to propagate disguised agendas that contradict their declared objectives. One such incident involves the Evangelical Immigration Table (EIT), a group frequently described as a faith-inspired collective providing biblical perspectives on immigration policies.

On closer scrutiny, EIT appears to be a veil for the Soros-funded National Immigration Forum, which seems to advance Marxist revolution. It is imperative to understand these hidden motives to decode EIT’s “I Was a Stranger Challenge” truly – an attempt that encourages Evangelicals to interpret 40 chosen Scriptures in the context of contemporary immigration policies.

Significant Southern Baptist and Evangelical personalities like Russell Moore, Brent Leatherwood, James Merritt, and Danny Akin have endorsed this challenge. Their support lends apparent credibility while simultaneously raising questions about their discernment levels. The selected Scriptures are used strategically to further Marxist notions under the facade of Christian compassion and biblical interpretation.

Amidst breaking news that shape our Christian worldview, it is revealing to see how undistorted biblical teachings can be manipulated into promoting politically driven ideologies misaligned with Christian core values. The Challenge inaccurately interprets scriptures such as Genesis 1:27-28 about universal human dignity to favor unrestricted immigration policies.

Similarly, passages from Exodus and Leviticus advocating fair treatment of outsiders are misunderstood due to historical contexts specific only to Israel’s religious statehood. Abruptly applying these archaic norms to current nation-states bespeaks not just inaccurate hermeneutics but also blatant scripture misrepresentation.

Moreover, the Challenge’s interpretation of New Testament verses like Matthew 25:35 creates more confusion. Jesus’ teachings do endorse empathy for disadvantaged persons; however, this cannot be linked blindly with support for myriad social justice ventures including volatile open borders manifesting economic risk, social disorder, and illegal activities. Equating the biblical notion of hospitality with government policies on immigration rudely simplifies a multifaceted issue involving legal, governance, and national sovereignty intricacies.

The Challenge also wrongfully presents all illegal immigrants as refugees suffering persecution and life-threatening circumstances. This distortion undermines genuine refugees’ plight while mistaking the biblical obligation to aid oppressed individuals in forwarding political interests that illegitimately intermingle legal asylum seekers and undocumented immigrants.

The unfolding impact of this Challenge on prevailing Christian leaders is alarming. The seeming spell it has cast on many, inclusive of Southern Baptist pastors, indicates an emerging issue of left-geared infiltration into the Church. Where one might expect these leaders to uphold biblical truth astutely discerning current times, they have instead willingly participated in larger socialist agendas furthering causes that compromise scripture integrity, and national sovereignty implications.

This inappropriate Challenge propagated by religious socialists epitomizes concerning propaganda leveraging Christian empathy to fuel Marxist ideologies within the Church. It showcases not just misinterpretation but calculated deceit designed to trap the Church into endorsing policies threatening societal foundation principles.

Ultimately, discerning Christians must vehemently reject such manipulative tactics. Their unwavering dedication to biblical truth and divine discernment should remain unfazed even amidst escalating opposition and ideological subversion within their community. The sanctity of their faith coupled with their congregations’ future significantly hinges on this commitment during this critical period.

Original article posted by Fox News

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