“Deviation from Traditional Christian Principles: The Rising Acceptance of Drag Queens in Churches”

Published on December 1, 2023, 2:21 am

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The esteemed Apostle Paul cautioned us in 2 Timothy 4:3 that there would arrive a period when individuals would no longer tolerate respected teaching, but instead, seek personal satisfaction in a world characterized by animosity and defiance towards God. Would there be anything more defiant against our holy and righteous Creator than negating your God-given identity, preferring instead the fallacy of cross-dressing and assuming an alternate gender role?

It is not unforeseen that worldly actions align like this—the Bible is filled with stories of societies turning to sexual chaos as a consequence for their transgressions. Exactly defined, sexual anarchy is one of those rare sins where the punishment is the sin itself. It holds destructive potential for humanity and represents a frontal assault against our Divine Provider. That’s why we care, oppose it, expose it, and call for repentance from those involved.

Drag Queens have become somewhat standard in progressive circles like United Methodist Churches, PCUSA churches, and Evangelical Lutheran churches. Yet these places are more akin to synagogues of Satan than they are to authentic churches. However, Baptist “churches” appearing in this progressive sex-for-entertainment pseudo-religious divinations context remains relatively scarce; nevertheless, it seems that times are changing.

One such so-named Baptist “church,” Grace Baptist Church of Richmond, plans to indulge in this debauchery by hosting an exhibitionist event next Saturday to entertain its followers–an entertainment far removed from what should be expected within church walls and starkly contrasting with traditional Christian principles.

The guest performer will be none other than Flamy Grant—a man who previously crashed the Dove Awards along with ex-Caedmon’s Call band member Derek Webb—performing their act while dressed in women’s clothing as part of their shock value performance art.

These self-proclaimed “churches” have been transformed into nothing short of Satanic synagogues—it appears they’ve abandoned the gospel in favor of these grotesque performances. They have long since distanced themselves from God’s Word, evolving into destructive entities for their lack of faith.

Their acceptance of vulgar caricatures in their pulpits extends beyond harmless entertainment—it represents outright blasphemy and palpable evidence of divine judgment. It also poses a challenge to our faith. The real tragedy lies in the silence of many pastors who, by failing to denounce these atrocities, indirectly share culpability in projecting disrespect towards Christ’s name. This widespread indifference among true believers is a grim reflection of spiritual degradation in our times.

The very existence of real news and trusted news from a Christian worldview is under profound threat! Big tech endeavors to mute us, striving to eliminate our conservative biblical perspective. Yet rest assured—we won’t be silenced without resistance! Make sure you subscribe to stay informed with the latest updates!

This call-to-action presents yet another testament that battles fought today explore deeper trenches—the battle for control and moral compass direction within religious dominions are just as poignant as the exchanges we witness unfold on the world stage daily. A potent reminder to maintain allegiance not based solely on nomenclature but substantiated by actions aligned with sound doctrine—a keynote to navigate through this sea of information, distinguishing between simple noises versus true guiding echoes.

Original article posted by Fox News

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