“Detransitioners Filing Medical Malpractice Claims: The Emerging Trend in Gender Identity Lawsuits”

Published on February 11, 2024, 12:41 am

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An increasing number of detransitioners, individuals who initially opted for medical procedures to change their gender identity but later decided to revert to their original identities, are suing their doctors and healthcare providers. These lawsuits are a novel form of medical malpractice claims and could result in multi-million dollar judgments due to the severe harm done by so-called “gender-affirming care”, believes Ron Miller, a lawyer heavily involved in these cases.

Miller, co-founder of Campbell Miller Payne law firm, represents detransitioners who underwent significant medical alterations before rejecting their new gender identities. These individuals lament the damage inflicted on them through such processes.

Miller points out that often these patients are troubled teens grappling with psychological issues such as ADHD, depression, anorexia or anxiety. Their discomfort with their bodies might lead them unwittingly to practitioners promoting transgender ideologies. Typically within the span of 30-45 minutes on an initial meeting these professionals diagnose the patient and issue prescription treatments.

For example, in case of female patients seeking treatment based on this discomfort they may be prescribed high doses of testosterone tailored to battle against their body’s natural estrogen production or combined with a ‘puberty blocker’ halting further estrogen production.

The issue comes from hasty prescription which skirts around exploring other potential causes for the discomfort felt by these teenagers struggling under normal puberty pressures or might have depression or anxiety associated disorders.

Critically, Miller observes that practitioners rarely present psychotherapy options for such teenagers and rather fast tract them on the medication route which can lead further into surgical treatments.

The complications aren’t limited only to failed transitions either. Medical interventions not only alter an individual’s physical appearance but also have long-term side effects even when a person rejects transgender identity post hormone therapy. This replacement therapy creates lifelong medical dependencies forcing continued reliance on pharmaceutical drugs recounting almost unending treatment requiring specialist attention for concerns like bone-density and fertility problems that such hormonal imbalances create.

Discussing compensation for this configuration of harms induced Miller says, “How do you assign a value to the pain and the lost opportunity to have a child?”, predicting an average lawsuit would likely yield anywhere from $10 million to $20 million.

The complexities of such lawsuits and their potency thereof as detransitioners seek compensation varies vastly across different states. The major hurdle being the victims often not noticing the deception in these medical malpractice scenarios within certain legally limited time frames of harmful activity occurring within.

Miller points out that right now there really isn’t any nationwide consensus on standard care practices around medically induced gender transitions. Though a few pro-transgender groups like the World Professional Association of Transgender Health have released what they call “standards of care,” they still urge medical practitioners to wait at least one year before beginning administration.

Nevertheless, in such situations, law firms like Campbell Miller Payne keep defending detransitioners’ rights based on general considerations of ‘do no harm’ doctrine and always securing the patient’s best medical interests and report countless instances where practices fail miserably at both these basic considerations.

Adding further complexity into handling these cases medically transitioning locals already become societal outliers but deciding to detransition ostracizes them further leaving them socially alienated with lifelong medical consequences whether requiring sustained hormone therapies or specialist treatments for associated issues.

Miller’s firm represents figures such as Prisha Mosely among others supporting detransitioned clients through lawsuits levied against healthcare practitioners rationalizing rushed procedures claiming immediate transitioning could be crucial deterrent against potential suicides. “Our clients are living proof that’s just not the case,” says Miller.

In order to make seeking help more accessible and less financially strenuous law firms representing such cases would only be charging contingency fees payable once outcomes are reached as settlements or verdict awards thus preventing any upfront burdens for clients seeking legal assistance for their struggles.

The real news landscape reflects increased attention towards breaking news involving ongoing lawsuits by detransitioning individuals over medical malpractice. This critical representation is necessary to uphold justice in the context of patients’ best interests, anchored through a trusted news resource providing insight from a legal perspective while honouring a Christian worldview that speaks for ‘the least of these’.

Original article posted by Fox News

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