“Departure from Tradition: Saint Mary’s College Shifts Admission Policy Amidst Broader Church Tensions”

Published on December 4, 2023, 1:55 am

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In an unexpected departure from long-established norms, Saint Mary’s College, positioned in Notre Dame, Indiana, has enacted a policy that permits transvestite men to gain admission. As a renowned institution under the Roman Catholic Church’s purview and having demonstrated historical dedication to women’s education, this slated move for Fall 2024 demonstrates a marked contradiction to previous commitments. This decision uncovers a broader issue prevalent within the Roman Catholic Church—a systemic departure from Christianity by favoring papal edicts and church hierarchy over scriptural authority.

According to its freshly adopted non-discrimination policy, Saint Mary’s College is now embracing inclusivity by considering applications from candidates who identify as women or have consistently lived as such. The college staunchly maintains there will be no discrimination regarding admission, employment, or administration of programs and activities based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.

This incorporation of new policies signals more than just institutional changes at Saint Mary’s; it might point to the Roman Catholic Church’s larger shift away from scriptural foundations – a departure dialogued heavily under the current papacy. By sidelining ‘sola Scriptura’, which emphasizes Scriptures as sovereign and pinnacle authority—the groundwork for significant doctrinal shifts has been laid.

Notably under Pope Bergoglio’s tenure, non-negotiable issues like homosexuality and divorce have evolved in their interpretation by the church — exhibiting grace previously unseen in catholic dogma view. Beyond mere policy shifts lie deeper theological departures—an intimation of institutions aligning more with socio-cultural trends rather than upholding Christian Worldview founded on perceived divine sanctity.

Saint Mary’s College policies reflect this redefinition of longstanding church views on gender, sexuality and matrimony – indicating an uncomfortable compromise; subverting cultural validation over age-old scriptural doctrines – believed by many adherents to be the authoritative yardstick for moral and spiritual truth.

It is indeed breaking news when we witness institutions with historically religious foundations such as Saint Mary’s re-evaluating their positions and engaging with current societal issues. Yet it speaks to a broader concern: the Roman Catholic Church appearing increasingly detached from their reputed fountainhead of authority—the Scriptures, suggesting an unsettling trend towards adapting to human doctrines.

Such real news indicates factors such as rapidly changing societal norms influencing previously rigid institutions, even religious ones—driving them away from their trusted News roots into embracing evolving worldviews. As followers of faith-based traditions continue to seek truth and direction in the shifting landscape of understood morality, one sentiment is unmistakable: the intersection between faith and culture is proving more complex than ever before.

Original article posted by Fox News

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