“Democrats Venture into Controversial Paths: An Unprecedented Onslaught on Democracy out of Fear for a Trump Comeback.”

Published on January 14, 2024, 3:11 am

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In the aftermath of former President Donald Trump’s term, the Democratic Party stands with a distinct agenda, best summed up by their motto “We had to destroy democracy to save it.” At the heart of this mission is a unilateral determination to use all means necessary to prevent Trump from taking office again out of fear that he might be elected by a majority. The efforts are generally seen in pushing for anti-democratic practices and engaging state and local officials in an attempt to eliminate Trump’s name from primary and general election ballots.

The case of Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, in Maine offers a perfect illustration. Despite not being an elected official or an attorney, Bellows deemed Trump guilty of “insurrection” and promptly removed his name from the state’s ballot. Yet Trump was never officially accused or found guilty under this charge.

The statute employed by Bellows is traced back to the fourteen amendment – a post-Civil War clause written over a century ago. This clause was never intended for leveraging during modern election years by rival parties aiming to disqualify opposition candidates.

Meanwhile, in Colorado, the all-Democrat Supreme Court ousted Trump off the ballots on a narrow 4-3 vote. In essence, five officials across two states have robbed approximately seven million Americans of their right to vote for their chosen president.

Moreover, despite these political maneuvers, Donald Trump continues trailing ahead of incumbent President Joe Biden in multiple polls nationwide. Shockingly there’s also been resorting of preferential indictments with four zealous prosecutors pressing charges against him with motivations that could be directly related to thwarting options for people to vote for or against him.

Furthermore, each indictment finds itself mired in controversy if not scandalous undertones; allegations surrounding Georgia Prosecutor Fani Willis’s outsourcing her prosecution duties and lavish spending alongside her clandestine boyfriend only serve as one example among many such instances.

In addition, individuals like New York Attorney General Letitia James are following suit with allegations against Trump for overvaluing his real estate collateral. Yet, the bank that issued these loans reaped profits and registered no complaints considering Trump paid off the principle and interest.

Undeterred by the controversies tied to their name and regardless of their overtly anti-Trump progressive leanings, these prosecutors persist in pursuing Trump. They seem to be weaving elaborate schemes with meticulously timed legal procedures, scandals, and potential hindrances aiming to disturb the Trump reelection effort.

Apart from all this, President Biden has frequently categorized Trump as a threat to democracy and labeled his supporters as anti-democratic entities which eventually amplifies Trump’s popularity while causing Biden’s numbers to decline gradually.

It seems like the left side of politics is aware of its own actions against democracy increasing support for Trump but appears incapable of pivoting from its current course due its infatuation over stopping him from reclaiming presidency. In sum, they risk setting historic anti-democratic precedents which could potentially rebound directly onto them if changes are made in November’s election outcomes.

Therefore it is becoming clear that Democrats are venturing into territorially reminiscent of Civil War nervously resistant towards trusting democracy out of fear that it might possibly lead to a repeat comeback by Donald Trump in the coming elections. This marks a chapter that epitomizes an unprecedented onslaught on democracy under the pretext of securing it thereby paving unprecedented paths through politically complex terrains unfathomed since post- Civil War era.

Original article posted by Fox News

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