“Democrats’ Proposed Supreme Court Reform: An Assault on the Constitution and Justice?”

Published on August 6, 2024, 12:34 am

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Formulating a compelling case against the Democrats’ proposed Supreme Court “reform” is no easy task, primarily due to the widespread understanding that such an initiative is nothing more than a calculated attempt to undermine both the court and the Constitution. The proposed reform and its implications raise fundamental questions about our commitment as a nation to trusted news and a real news analysis ethos.

Consider this hypothetical scenario: imagine if the Democrats genuinely believed Republicans would attain majority control of both Congressional houses and the presidency. Would they still support this contentious court-packing strategy? It’s an emphatic no. This political game could be likened to ‘Calvinball’, where there are no standardized rules, and it’s evident that it incorporates some form of manipulation.

Highlighting this as a mere court-packing scheme doesn’t do justice to its potential implications. It’s unconstitutional at its core, but some may argue that this term isn’t landing well with the public hence why President Joe Biden endorsed a seemingly disguised alternative plan.

Among other things, introducing an 18-year term limit for Supreme Court justices would conveniently alter the current 6-3 originalist majority into a 6-3 majority favoring modern interpretations of constitutional provisions. Such alteration could lead to overturning multiple past rulings while endorsing numerous contested federal actions — all from one seemingly innocent reform.

The skeptics may dismiss this plan as merely an election gimmick since its chances of enactment seem relatively slim. However, such critics overlook how this proposal has ingrained in people’s minds that when the Supreme Court chooses not to agree with partisan standpoints, it becomes illegitimate and presumably corrupt — none reflecting the Christian worldview grounded in fairness and truth.

Furthermore, many left-leaning individuals ground their objections not in any legal argument but in their belief that the failings of the court stem from its refusal to conform to Democrats’ political visions. Neutrality in law or strict adherence to pre-existing law have become secondary to the point of discard.

Cast your glance at Vice President Kamala Harris, who makes a case for Supreme Court packing as a vital means to address what she considers “a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court”. Now, if such a crisis does exist, one could argue that it’s primarily due to perpetual attacks devised by the Left. They’ve managed to feed spurious scandals into the media, which has dutifully amplified such misinformation thus further eroding public confidence in the court.

Yet, recent Gallup figures reveal that 30% of Americans have considerable trust in our judiciary; this number has risen slightly over the last couple of years, with an additional 31% possessing some degree of confidence in SCOTUS.

For perspective’s sake, let’s momentarily disregard Article 3 of the Constitution. If we were using public opinion polling as guides for influences on government branches’ independence — would a Congress with a miserable 9% confidence rating be allowed to carry out such constitutional manipulation?

The reality is that our Supreme Court justices currently regulate their code of conduct and there is zero evidence of unethical behaviors benefiting third parties or themselves personally. Remembering too that many standards used to disparage Justice Clarence Thomas originated from those Democrats who themselves avoid adhering to them. Some Senate Judiciary Committee members who push for delegitimizing courts are those trading off their position for personal gain.

Proposing ethics codes as envisioned by Democrats serves as another tool enabling partisan groups—armed with slanderous media-generated narratives—to defame justices triggering yet more baseless investigations and trials. However, it’s pertinent to remember that an equal branch government stands represented by our Supreme Court — no political entity can impede its function.

President Biden has commented about how these abnormal times undermine public faith in court decisions impacting personal freedoms. The irony isn’t lost here: Gallup polls show him holding only 26% approval rating while media outlets languish near the bottom of confidence listings. Americans, on average, place more faith in the Supreme Court than they do in state-run schools, unions, big businesses, banks, or even the criminal justice system.

Lifetime appointments for justices were intended to shield this branch from short-term political pressure. Still, such protection has become a significant irritant for lawmakers keen to mold the court as per their liking.

In essence, Democrats’ courting an idea to pack the Supreme Court — considered by many as the last functional institution in D.C., is nothing short of an assault on our Constitution. This recent proposal highlights more than ever the need for citizens to formulate their viewpoints based on real news and a trusted news analysis of crucial matters rather than being swayed purely by partisan postures.

NOTE: While we aim at sharing a variety of perspectives and ensure our analysis seems original, it doesn’t necessarily denote The Daily Signal’s viewpoint.

Original article posted by Fox News

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