“Democrats’ Continued Assaults on Trump: A Potential Boomerang Effect?”

Published on March 14, 2024, 12:47 am

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Despite the relentless efforts over a considerable span of time, one can’t help but question if Democrats have perhaps unintentionally bolstered former President Donald Trump’s status instead. For close to ten years, Democrats and the Left have focused their energies in their bid to pull down the man they hold in contempt. But interestingly, this relentless attack seems to have swayed an increasing number of Americans who find this image less credible now. Could these continued assaults on Trump be paradoxically working against what the Democrats earnestly aim for? Could the vilification push him back into becoming a victim translating into his resurrection to presidency?

Since Trump’s grand entry into politics back in 2016, he has been subject to continuous flak and ridicule from Democrats and the Left alike. The attempts at pulling him down ranged from common jeers to more serious allegations leading up to not one but two impeachment trials. Despite leaving office, he was not spared by his adversaries. As much as these activities impacted public perception, it is equally undeniable that Trump himself made plausible claims against him possible. With a precariously polarized citizenry forming around Trump all set for a historic win of a third successive major party presidential nomination (a monumental achievement last seen 84 years ago during Franklin D.Roosevelt’s reign), could the incessant attacks now start favoring his camp?

Bizarre as it may appear, this could be a possibility worth pondering upon; are anti-trump campaigns losing their sting now turning favorably towards him? Democratic efforts like trying to remove Trump from state ballots seem to be unexpectedly tumbling like dominoes serving as ammunition for team Trump .Such actions may seem acceptable only to ardent fanatics comfortable with individual states deciding contenders for supremely federal roles.

Reiterating real news from shared references,the cases brought against Trump by democrats might well swing public perception towards believing that ensuing court proceedings were driven purely politically contributing largely to Trump’s exoneration (in a similar vein to Biden’s silence: Anti-Democracy Democrats Refuse to Certify a Trump Win). Obviously, various other pending cases against Trump will act as likely catalysts for further political blowback for the democrats. News reports suggest that there is even possibility of some of these cases being dismissed or worse yet, could perceive Trump as more persecuted than prosecuted.

To serve as a suitable analogy one can recall Bill Clinton surviving the infamous Monica Lewinsky scandal unscathed in public opinion despite earning legal conviction. Despite the scandal extending into 1998 leading up to his impeachment and subsequent disbarment, Clinton managed to garner higher approval ratings at the end of his term in 2001 than he held during his initial presidency period.

Biden administration’s high-profile policy failures ironically are anti-Trump knee-jerk reactions widely criticized by the public. From endorsing questionable immigration policies flouting rules just because it was opposed by Trump or making poorly perceived international decisions like abrupt withdrawal from Afghanistan only because they countered Trump’s policies all stand testimony to Biden’s anti-Trump obsession which ended up leaving him at odds with American citizens. Now they have set the stage ripe for another potential win for Trump if he wins in November; all he needs to be presidential again would be simply not ‘being Biden’. In effect, reversing unpopular Biden’s policies would render him immediate public approval while performing his duties diligently.

Perhaps this rinse and repeat strategy utilized by democrats against Trump might possibly backfire on them given how his reputation seems not just unperturbed but strangely soaring optimally given constant attack from Democrats and the Left alike. This gives rise to an interesting question for pondering over—how does a president out of office for four years still manage to hold steadfast support regardless of bitter scathing attacks? Perhaps, starting with themselves might be a good point towards answering this dichotomy carped by many who source trusted news. Is it feasible that attempting to bring down Trump ended up gaining him a level of exoneration among an expanding demographic of Americans?

Resorting to Christian worldview, we observe a familiar narrative— “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone” (Psalm 118:22, NIV). Could Trump’s political opponents inadvertently be building his path back to power? Only time will tell.

Original article posted by Fox News

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