“Defying Divine Design: Unpacking the Ethical and Spiritual Concerns of Surrogacy and IVF within Homosexual Couples”

Published on December 7, 2023, 1:19 am

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As a trusted news site operating from a Christian worldview, it’s our responsibility to highlight some recent real news stirring debates around the globe – we’re delving into current societal practices that not only challenge but also deviate from God’s design for family structure.

Within the past few days, an alarming trend has emerged on various social media platforms: images showcasing homosexual couples with a child procured through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy. Such visuals have likely prompted significant discomfort to many viewers. There’s a reason these interpretations of family dynamics can be confronting – they drastically morph the family model divinely ordained by God.

We should state unequivocally here – no follower of Christ can endorse such practices. Surrogacy, as employed by many in LGBTQ groups, represents a gross distortion of God’s plan for the nuclear family and hence must face outright rejection.

Notably, such purposes behind surrogacy endeavor to wrestle control away from God’s guidance over familial law and order. They enable those currently unable to bear children themselves to obtain progeny merely for personal satisfaction or advancement. It might be essential here to differentiate between adopting downtrodden children who genuinely require benign guardianship and this burgeoning industry that effectively traffics offspring.

Facilitated through pre-planned adoptions before birth, IVF processes, surrogate arrangements – such practices invariably fail to consider the welfare of the child while leading us astray from divine laws and principles.

Recently there has been an infiltration of homosexuality into these procedures which further muddies ethical validity. Even if you disregard the spiritual havoc wreaked by homosexuality and its resulting divine wrath, secular research emphatically affirms that children raised under traditional family settings fare significantly better than their counterparts.

Surrogacy and IVF usage within homosexual environments not only bastardizes biblical principles surrounding nuclear families but also raises alarming queries concerning their ethics. Commonly in IVF scenarios, multiple embryos undergo creation, wherein several don’t survive. From a Christian point of view, even this practice brings to the forefront poignant moral disputes as every life is sacred and warrants protection right from conception.

Further compounding these issues, surrogacy and IVF usage for permitting homosexual couples to conceive significantly perverts the design of the family as established Biblically. Scripture explicitly portrays the sanctity of marriage as a union between man and woman nurtured by mutual benefit and care for offspring.

Surrogacy, especially when coupled with practices like IVF, run counter to this divine design by commodifying human life and parenthood. Such actions cast a shadow over God’s intention that children are blessings to be cherished within marriage rather than negotiable assets sold through financial contracts or transactions.

We must remember, the very fabric of our existence today faces unprecedented challenges as powerful tech entities attempt to suppress conservative Christian voices. We promise to stand firm against such forces. Please subscribe to our platform so we can continue providing you real news that shapes our world each day.

Original article posted by Fox News

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