“Defending Religious Freedom: Crucial Dialogues between Christian Communities and Political Entities”

Published on September 1, 2024, 1:17 am

“Defending Religious Freedom: Crucial Dialogues between Christian Communities and Political Entities”

Image source: Fox News

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In the ongoing dialogue among Christian communities on political engagement, former U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom, Sam Brownback, and other experts recently gathered in Texas. They issued a compelling call to American Christians to continue fighting for religious freedom even amidst significant political or legal triumphs. This dialogue is part of an article series named “Politics in the Pews,” offering real news and revealing a trusted news perspective deeply rooted in a Christian worldview.

The discussion centered around declining religious freedom in the United States and escalating threats to this liberty. Critical challenges include legislation such as the Equality Act and concerns regarding the U.S. Supreme Court’s politicization. The panelists included not only Brownback but also eminent figures like First Liberty Senior Counsel Jeremy Dys, Family Research Council Senior Fellow Meg Kilgannon, and Joseph Kennedy, who famously won his case before the U.S Supreme Court regarding prayer on the football field.

Emphasizing the importance of proactively defending their rights, Brownback asserted that Christians must be prepared to fight for their religious freedom. Even victories in court under today’s conservative government will require constant vigilance and effort.

“Even when we achieve it legally or politically,” said Brownback, “the reality is that maintaining it requires action—action from people who are ready to stand up, confront challenges head-on and persevere.” He argued that while laws can provide a framework for protection, true cultural change can only come about through active participation.

According to Brownback, financial persecution against Christians is becoming prevalent as major US banks have begun “de-banking” certain religious organizations – both large groups like his National Committee for Religious Freedom (NCRF) and smaller entities like crisis pregnancy centers.

Joseph Kennedy’s victory in his case before the Supreme Court provides valuable context about religion’s place within public institutions under constitutional protection. His practice of kneeling in prayer at mid-field after games eventually led to suspension—and then dismissal—before finding vindication through his successful Supreme Court case.

In addressing Kennedy’s victorious case, Dys highlighted the importance of religious freedoms. He stressed that these freedoms were not intended to alienate individuals but rather to provide a platform for people to express their beliefs freely and openly.

Meanwhile, Kilgannon warned about the potential threat posed by the Equality Act to people of faith. The act focuses on ensuring protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity entrenched under federal law—a move perceived as contradictory to biblical values.

According to Kilgannon, “These are issues where Christian values come into direct conflict with proposals requiring us to accept ideologies we do not share or promote.”

The panelists unanimously emphasized utilizing truth, legal action, community support, and involvement in local jurisdictions as tools for countering threats against religious liberty in America today. Conclusively asserting that “This is our time,” Dys urged the audience to preserve belief in themselves, God’s Word, and U.S Constitution protection—three pillars that provide stability even when confronting challenging societal forces.

“Strap on your metaphorical brass knuckles—it’s time to reclaim what is rightfully ours,” he added, while reminding listeners of the immense power that resides with them both legally and spiritually.

Original article posted by Fox News

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