“Decoding Christian Nationalism: A Deep Dive into the Churches and State Relationship Amid Emerging Progressive Ideologies”

Published on December 9, 2023, 1:15 am

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As the world becomes increasingly polarized, the term “Christian Nationalism” has been thrust into the limelight. It encapsulates a spectrum of beliefs that Christians hold about the ideal relationship between church and state – a concept that has garnered significant media attention in recent months. However, it must be noted that not all who subscribe to this theory perceive it as a threat. Scrutinizing Christian Nationalism through an unbiased lens reveals broad theological diversity within its bounds.

Understanding this umbrella term is vital. Whilst traditional understanding would align Christian Nationalism with governance by the Church – a perspective not universally agreed upon – progressive interpretations paint any belief in biblical worldview and governmental control of evil as “Christian Nationalist.”

This viewpoint is chiefly held by progressive “Christian” leaders like Russell Moore. In their critique of conservatism, these progressives tend to homogenize diverse strands of conservative Christianity into one large, undifferentiated bloc. For instance, they fail to distinguish between the Dominionism espoused by groups like New Apostolic Reformation and Reformed Christianity; both hold conservative moral views but with widely divergent methods.

This approach deliberately generates an atmosphere of intolerance against any Christian opinion that contradicts their progressive agenda. This ranges from issues on sexuality and sanctity of life, to topics like free speech, border security, and gun rights. Therefore, as per such skewed framework, biblical principles are perceived as threatening progress and freedom, maligning those who uphold these principles as “dangerous Christian Nationalists.”

Russell Moore’s consistent denunciation of conservatism sees him partnering with pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ activists to vilify what they classify as “Christian Nationalism.” They contend it poses a risk not only to religious institutions but also to national wellbeing.

These notions are represented in films such as ‘God & Country’, which bring together far-left liberal activists masquerading as Christians making groundless accusations against conservative Christianity. Phil Vischer, creator of Veggie Tales and a well-known progressive ideology proponent, is included among these activists. Known for his support towards Democrats, identity politics and Critical Race Theory, Vischer has endorsed views as varied as questioning traditional doctrine of sexual morality to making excuses for abortion.

Meanwhile, Jemar Tisby – who works with radical anti-white extremist Ibram X Kendi – spends his entire career fostering racial division within Evangelical churches in America. Then there’s Calvin University professor Kristin Du Mez who advocates for the inclusion of pro-abortion and pro-homosexual views within the Church.

Based on their ideas expressed through multiple platforms – be it majority acceptance or promoting inherent “white guilt”, partnering with animal rights groups or yoking with Democrat and socialist groups – Russell Moore’s unmistakable agenda is both overtly progressive and unbiblical. French David mirrors similar views.

Anthea Butler, chairperson at Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, is another key figure known for her far-left activism in support of abortion and LGBTQ rights. She has made absurd claims about “White Evangelical Racism” ending Roe v. Wade or “White Evangelicalism” attempting to ruin lives of trans children and LGBT individuals.

Despite severe criticisms, films like God & Country are no satire but rather an attempt to highlight diverse Christian voices. However, they’ve been rejected by many as unserious and un-Christian. In this era where conservative biblical worldview risks being silenced by major tech companies, access to real news proves critical. Maintaining informed via trusted news sources can equip us with knowledge to still engage these conversations constructively despite the threat posed by progressively biased perspectives.

Original article posted by Fox News

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