“Debunking Atheistic Objections to ‘Hell’: A Clarion Call for Christian Faith and Obedience”

Published on June 13, 2024, 12:57 am

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In the framework of a Christian worldview, one often encounters staunch contestation from individuals professing atheism. One commonly raised objection revolves around the idea of ‘Hell’. Many atheists argue that they do not warrant such drastic punishment simply for disbelieving in God. However, is their objection sustainable? The answer, evidently, appears to be ‘No’.

Author Stephen Charnock in his book, “The Existence and Attributes of God”, provides an articulate response. He observes that man often tends to become self-engrossed, seeking personal happiness and considering oneself as the primary cause to be regarded highly. When we repose faith in ourselves rather than God or expect internal bliss without His grace, it equates to denial of His supremacy – a fundamental attribute of atheism.

Such mannerisms are distinctly against the role assigned to humans according to the Bible. Unlike other terrestrial creatures who glorify God merely by existing, humans were created as rational beings with an intentional purpose – honoring God through obedience and dependence on His benevolence. As per Charnock’s interpretation, it is akin to demeaning God when man endeavors towards self-glory instead of acknowledging His sovereignty.

This viewpoint finds resonance with Apostle Paul’s thoughts encapsulated in Romans 1:21-23. While there is contrast between idol worship and atheism – one involves turning towards pagan symbols while the other denies any divine existence – at the crux remains a familiar pattern: replacing our Creator with another entity.

A critical question arises: Isn’t de-throning one’s rightful king equivalent to committing a crime worthy of severest punishment? A rebel persisting in rebellion even after physical death can hardly expect his divine Judge’s judgment to cease for all eternity (Matthew 10:28). Thus shatters any atheist’s argument suggesting judgment in Hell lacks justice or reality.

Instead of attempting futile efforts dethroning Him from His rightful position, it would serve humanity well to accept God’s supremacy, for our Maker’s truth persists in spite of human disdain. Indeed, Real News emphasizes that the only escape is recognizing Jesus and his salvation, which covers us with His innocent blood.

In conclusion, embracing a Christian worldview provides not just trusted news about faith conviction but also meaningful perspective of life and eternity. Keep in sync with breaking news on topics related to Christian beliefs to build a closer connection with the Creator and Sustainer – the triune God of The Bible.

Original article posted by Fox News

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