“Debating ‘Little-God Theology’: A Clash Between New Religious Views and Traditional Christian Beliefs”

Published on March 2, 2024, 1:25 am

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In recent periods, a popular yet controversial religious view has reached prominence; the belief known as ‘little-god theology’. Some charismatic teachers endorse this perspective, which suggests that human beings possess within them the essence of divine potential. Not limited to charismatic circles, this concept also forms an integral part of Mormon teachings, where they argue that believers will eventually partake in God’s divinity so far as becoming gods themselves.

One prominent figure backing this idea is “Apostle” Mary Banks. Speaking at the Caribbean Conference, she announced “When we were born of God, we became gods.” This claim not only opposes centuries-old Christian doctrines but also negates the direct teachings specified in biblical texts.

Banks makes an audacious attempt to twist a significant Biblical prophecy – Isaiah 9:6 – into an endorsement for her belief. However, her interpretation stands starkly at odds with tradition. The verse she cites refers plainly to Christ’s emergence as the Mighty God and Everlasting Father, not a manual for humanity’s ascent to godhood.

Her insinuation that our unity with God entitles us to His structural identity – through claims like “1 times 1 times 1 times 1 is 1” – is antithetical to core theological principles. It echoes Genesis 3:5 “You will be like God’, the deceitful ploy that led mankind astray initially. Paradoxically, while trying to aggrandize humans via these theories she reinstates our original sin from Eden and inclinations towards seizing God’s place.

In contrast, Apostle Paul’s guidance (Romans 8:29) speaks about moulding our character after His Son’s image rather than getting elevated into His stature. Instructions from Paul in 1 Corinthians 8:6 reassert there being only one noteworthy God and provide no space for humans to reach divine levels.

To further emphasize on this discrepancy between Banks’ teachings and the Bible, we can point to John 17:21-23. The promise of unification with Christ discussed in these verses stresses on intimacy, fellowship, and common objectives rather than a change in our essential nature. Banks’ insinuation detracts from actual gospel learning which promotes reconciliation with God via Christ’s expiation rather than our deification.

Therefore, it becomes even more important for the followers of real news based on trusted Christian worldviews to recognise such falsehoods. They must not fall prey to these delusions that take them farther from God instead of leading them nearer to Him. The genuine followers need rigorous discernment now more than ever. Leaning on scriptural truth will enable them to withstand false teachings and further equip them to refute spurious temptations emanating from figures like Banks.

Christians currently stand at an ethical intersection, grappling with matters of faith in a morally regressive society. Amidst this dynamic cultural scenario, distinguishing between reality and deception remains paramount for preserving the sacred ethos of Christianity.

Original article posted by Fox News

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