“David French’s Unorthodox Views: A Misinterpretation of Biblical Principles?”

Published on April 9, 2024, 12:55 am

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We are witnessing a growing divide in the religious, socio-political sphere that becomes more apparent with each passing day. A notable figure amidst this divide is David French, a self-proclaimed Christian who is often seen opposing conservative elements of Christianity. Despite his faith, French’s intentions to separate politics from theology reflect an alarming ignorance of biblical principles meant to guide Christians.

Politics undoubtedly plays a significant part in reflecting our spiritual beliefs as Christians. We’re called upon by God to uphold righteousness and the moral law he has bestowed upon us. Our political ideologies and voting patterns can reveal our faithfulness to these divine instructions. Thus contrasting views may suggest a lack of understanding or unwillingness to comply with these guidelines.

David French’s recent comments on MSNBC -a network often labeled as anti-Christian left- have raised eyebrows amongst believers. For starters, he expressed concern about Christians using “Christ is King” on Twitter in what he saw as a dangerous assertion of Christianity’s superiority over other religions. However, it is worth noting that Jesus Himself professed His superiority over all else, firmly asserting He was the way, the truth, and the life and there exists no other name under heaven superior than His.

Furthermore, amidst strong criticism against Donald Trump for so-called selling Bibles, it seems like French might be veering off course from reality into delusion territory. While Trump might be many things, accusing him of being a greater blasphemer than those French frequently aligns himself with seems ill-founded at best.

French is eager to condemn Trump’s audacious marketing strategies whilst remaining silent about acts widely decried by Christian believers – such as Joe Biden declaring Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility. In an undeniable twist of irony, David French somehow perceives sexual immorality as a blessing while dismissing selling KJV Bibles – which is arguably less harmful.

It must be highlighted that at stakes here isn’t just the reputation of individuals like Trump or French, but rather the perception and reception of Christianity itself. As believers, it’s incumbent upon us to passionately defend the truth of our faith: Christ is King!

Remember, in this age of real news and trusted news dominated by an increasing liberal narrative, it becomes even more critical to hold on to our Christian worldview. The cultural environment might evolve continuously, seemingly painting Christianity in a negative light, still, we are called upon to remain steadfast and uphold our beliefs.

Original article posted by Fox News

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