“David French’s Unexpected Endorsement: Kamala Harris for the Preservation of Conservatism”

Published on August 14, 2024, 12:37 am

“David French’s Unexpected Endorsement: Kamala Harris for the Preservation of Conservatism”

Image source: Fox News

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In a recent op-ed for The New York Times, political commentator and columnist David French elaborated on his unexpected endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris, calling on conservatives to support her as a means to “save conservatism.” French maintains that his endorsement is born partly from his standing as an observer of the evangelical church’s health, a position from which he feels former President Donald Trump has noticeably altered the religious institution with elements of supposed “cruelty.”

French confessed his staunch pro-life beliefs and supporting stance on the 2022 U.S. Supreme Court Dobbs decision responsible for returning abortion laws back into state hands. Despite this, he voiced significant concern over Trump’s MAGA movement and its perceived shift away from traditional Reaganite conservatism. French asserted that his vote for Kamala Harris in 2024 would be an act aimed at conserving conservative principles.

For French, one of the primary reasons behind deeming Trump an unsuitable candidate revolves around allegations of persistent dishonesty. Widely acknowledged is politicians’ ever-present struggle with honesty but according to French, never before has there been such an intense display as that exhibited by Donald Trump.

The contamination from these suspected falsehoods originated partially from claims about the 2020 Presidential election results which led to lawsuits against Fox News, Rudolph Giuliani among others according to French. He also expressed disapproval towards how political violence instigated by both conservatives and liberals alike has been handled. Pointing specifically at defendant Trump who reportedly fanned flames by playing songs in his rallies sung by prisoners involved in the Jan. 6th Capitol riot. This version of National Anthem delivered by inmates he refers to as distasteful particularly.

Also notable was the critique that followed last month’s Republican National Convention speakers who he himself deemed inappropriate for Christian supporters based on their public transgressions further victimizing the party’s image According to French, Presidential hopeful Donald Trump and his “MAGA Christians” are spreading “viciousness and intolerance,” resulting in a distressing shift within the American evangelical community.

As French sees it, a Harris administration would not allow such disintegration of moral ground. He suggested that a Kamala Harris win would signify the Western world’s united opposition against threats like Vladimir Putin, giving conservative Americans an opportunity to reconstruct something valuable from what they believe has become a damaged Republican Party.

Lastly, French featured in Rob Reiner’s documentary film “God & Country.” This film painted a picture of rising “Christian nationalists” in America with dangerous intentions of reversing women’s rights activists’ hard-won efforts or those advocating for gay individuals and supporting abortion policies.

Turning to trusted real news sources will help readers develop an informed Christian worldview, which is essential for navigating these complex and nuanced political times. As breaking news continues to unfold keep an eye on the ever-evolving political landscape and its implications.

Original article posted by Fox News

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