“David French’s Paradoxical Stance on Christianity and His Dismissal of Biblical Politics”

Published on April 5, 2024, 1:00 am

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In an era of mounting cultural, political, and religious discord, figures like David French surface, defining the broad divide. Often termed as a religious leftist, French devotes his life to challenging conservative Christianity in public spaces. He appears to be increasingly distancing himself from reality making his position rather paradoxical considering he professes to be a Christian.

French’s attempt to disregard politics from theology showcases a blatant dismissal of biblical directives designed to serve as guidance for believers reign supreme in our hearts and minds. Christians are called forth by their faith to advocate righteousness while upholding God’s moral code – our faith manifests itself politically through ideologies and voting records. Asserting otherwise only signifies that one’s cognitive capacity is void.

David French can be viewed as delusional given some of his contentious comments. In one such instance during an appearance on MSNBC – allegedly America’s most anti-Christian far left news network – surpassing even CNN – he expressed concern over Christians tweeting “Christ is King” which he argued posed a threat by implying Christianity’s superiority over other religions.

It seems he forgets it was Jesus who emphasized the preeminence of Christianity over all else declaring Himself as “the way, the truth, and the life”. If my recollection serves correct, the Bible champions Christ’s superiority above all.

Moreover, French accuses Donald Trump of “selling bibles”, expressing his disdain towards him transparently. Regardless of one’s opinions about Trump – whether ally or critic – it seems grossly skewed that French would neglect Jesus Christ simply out of spite towards Trump.

While many don’t contest Donald Trump being branded a blasphemer, labeling him as such while sitting amidst those criticizing him can invoke eyebrows-raises. This aligns with real news perspectives about hypocrisy prevalent within many spheres of society today.

At its core though this discourse isn’t about Trump but concerning French and other leftist faction’s condemnation of Christianity. While French perceives Trump selling Bibles as a dangerous anti-Christian act, he has never taken issue with Joe Biden designating Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility”.

According to French’s worldview, sexual immorality could be regarded as a “blessing of liberty”—so why couldn’t the same standard apply to selling KJV Bibles? And while not everyone may necessarily harbor particular sentiments towards Trump, we need to realize that such leftist attacks on our biblical language are considerably more menacing.

Finally, it becomes imperative for us to stand in solidarity against this before our very phrase “Christ is King!” becomes outlawed in public discourse.

Original article posted by Fox News

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