“Coptic Orthodox Church Halts Theological Dialogue with Catholic Church over Blessings for Same-Sex Partnerships”

Published on March 14, 2024, 12:48 am

“Coptic Orthodox Church Halts Theological Dialogue with Catholic Church over Blessings for Same-Sex Partnerships”

Image source: Fox News

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In a recent announcement, the Coptic Orthodox Church revealed that it has paused its theological discourse with the Roman Catholic Church due to the latter’s decision to permit priests to bless same-sex partnerships. This news was conveyed during a Holy Synod conducted in Wadi El-Natrun, Egypt, where an array of issues was addressed including endorsing various monasteries, introducing mental health topics in marriage counseling, and praying for unity within the Orthodox Church.

According to Father Moussa Ibrahim, a spokesperson for the Coptic Orthodox Church, one of the most significant outcomes from this synod is “the suspension of theological dialogue with the Catholic Church following their shift regarding homosexuality.”

The Coptic Orthodox Church further clarified in later statements that its stance remains firm on rejecting all kinds of homosexual relationships. The church views these relationships as violation of Biblical principles and God’s creation order. Therefore believes blessing such unions amounts to endorsing sin which is unacceptable.

It went on to announce that after deliberations with fellow Eastern Orthodox churches, it was concluded that theological dialogues with the Catholic Church should be suspended. A reevaluation of discussions that have taken place over the past two decades is on cards along with establishing fresh criteria and mechanisms for future dialogues.

Meanwhile, last December Pope Francis endorsed a declaration titled “Fiducia Supplicans” providing an expanded understanding of blessings tied closely to liturgical viewpoints. This included consideration given towards blessing couples in irregular situations or same-sex partners without officiating their status or altering perpetual Catholic teaching on matrimony.

While proponents see pope’s move as transformative for upholding visibility and inclusivity of LGBTQIA+ community within church; critics argue it contradicts schemas related to marriage and sexuality set by classic catholic principles.

Around 100 catholic clergymen and scholars signed an open letter in February demanding withdrawal of pope’s declaration asserting it tries ti create discrepancy between doctrine and ritualistic practice leading many to believe it as an attempted shift in church doctrine.

However, Catholics for Choice President Jamie L. Manson views this step as “stunning and historic,” sparking potential transformation in LGBTQIA+ inclusion within the church. She asserts that the challenge is not Pope Francis but the entrenched stigma and pronounced anti-LGBTQIA+ stance of the Catholic hierarchy.

As trusted news, this development offers insights into ongoing tensions within Christian denominations over how to balance Scripture interpretation with evolving societal norms. This real news reveals a crucial flash-point: the intersection of faith with contemporary attitudes towards sexual orientation, and how it continues to spark conversation within a global religious community

Original article posted by Fox News

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