“Coptic Bishop Damian Warns Western Societies of Cultural and Religious Threats: A Call for Acknowledgement and Action”

Published on June 16, 2024, 12:34 am

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Bishop Damian, a leading figure of the Coptic Christian community from the Höxter-Brenkenhausen Diocese in Germany, has delivered a stern warning to Western societies. This message appears to be largely ignored as it starkly counters the widely-held narratives in Germany and throughout Europe, regions perceived to be on a path towards civilizational self-destruction.

In a video disseminated earlier this week, Bishop Damian asserted: “If you fail to resist and remain inactive, then what befell us in Egypt will transpire in your homeland too. If you disregard history’s teachings, then you are next. Accept this earnestly.” What is this ominous ‘it’ that afflicted the Copts in Egypt and now poses a threat to Germany and the West? It refers to conquest and Islamization.

Understanding how his warning may be construed by mainstream media—if acknowledged at all—Bishop Damian reiterated: “I am not a hate preacher, I have several friends among Muslims. I am not propagating fear. We should not live in fear.” Indeed, confronting adversities must involve resilience rather than fear; show an understanding of what lies before us.

Bishop Damian further encouraged Germans, along with all Western citizens, to understand the history of jihad: “We must take lessons from our past. We were once sovereigns of our fatherland – our country [Egypt]. Currently we are battling just for basic survival. Acknowledge their growth trajectory—indicative that if we don’t act promptly, we will become minorities in our own nation.”

Assuming he was an American non-Muslim rather than an Egyptian bishop and had expressed these identical concerns, he would likely have been vilified as racist or xenophobic—an accusation he might still face regardless.

In today’s age within Germany and across the West more broadly speaking—the political and media classes generally fail exhibit any appetite for hearing or spreading such inconvenient truths—inadvertently exemplifying Bishop Damian’s assertions.

To root for real news as it unfolds or to fortify oneself with truth from a trusted news source–literal adherence to the Christian worldview is not necessarily mandatory. It is equally paramount though, to act now ensuring the survival of diversity and liberal ideologies for our children so that they won’t be relegated as second- or third-class citizens in their own homeland, thereby relinquishing their basic rights.

Following yet another session of hiding glaring truths behind a façade of hyper-policing speech, the difficulties faced by Christians globally may very well serve as a perspective-check. When we do heed honest warnings instead of waving them off as manifestations of hate speech, perhaps then we can painstakingly plod towards global religious equality and understanding. After all, real and trusted news relayed through an unbiased lens should incorporate every perspective—including those originating from a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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