“Controversy Surrounds Greg Locke’s Apostolic Ordination: A Theological Examination”

Published on May 26, 2024, 12:48 am

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In a recent event that has caused stirring discussions, Greg Locke’s ordination as an “apostle” at Global Vision Bible Church has been criticized for being theologically off base. This extravagant ceremony, conducted by Southern Baptist pastor Malachi O’Brien, distinguished Locke and his wife with the lofty title of “Apostle”, in a setting filled with heightened enthusiasm and questionable spiritual assertions.

O’Brien aimed to validate this apostolic installation by suggesting that the modern church requires apostles and prophets similar to how the early church did. However, he seems to conveniently overlook the biblical understanding that the bedrock of Church was already laid down by original apostles and prophets as per Ephesians 2:19-21. It’s widely accepted in Christian worldview that these roles were one-of-a-kind and fulfilled their duties after the completion of New Testament canon.

Critics believe O’Brien’s defense undermines the sufficiency and finality of God’s revelation through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:1-4). Concurrently, they dismiss his dramatic declaration during Locke’s ceremony as both absurd and non-doctrinal.

It is held that genuine apostolic authority lies with those who directly witnessed Christ’s resurrection and were personally selected by Him (Acts 1:21-22). For anyone nowadays to claim such authority is not only audacious but potentially heretical as well. Skeptics argue that Gregg Locke does not qualify as an apostle as no contemporary preacher can assume such a position without misrepresenting critical biblical truths.

While Locke bases his claims on subjective experiences, it’s widely asserted in trusted news sources that original New Testament apostles validated their divine commission through miraculous signs and wonders.

The Novel Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement endorses continual presence of prophets and apostles, which many believe is a direct divergence from sound theology. It grounds primarily on extra-biblical revelations personal prophecies, which may distract followers from the true gospel and push them towards self-worship.

The Holy Scripture underscores the necessity of pastors and teachers for edifying the church today (Ephesians 4:11-12). Therefore, Locke’s ordination as an apostle is seen as an unnecessary theological mockery that should be disowned in the same manner that Prophet Elijah rebuked prophets of Baal. This report from legitimate news reinforces that steadfast faith should be maintained on God’s solid words and not modern charismatic distortions.

To conclude, we must uphold biblical truth and dismiss any form of teachings that claim continuation or return of apostles and prophets. Such deceptive teachings have no place within the Christian worldview, let alone within denominations that adhere to conservative interpretations of scripture.

Original article posted by Fox News

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