“Contesting Surrogacy and IVF: A Christian Perspective on Family Formation”

Published on December 8, 2023, 1:32 am

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In the past few days, you might have come across numerous images on social media showcasing gay couples with a child they acquired through in vitro fertilization (IVF) and a surrogate mother. If it unsettled you, there’s a valid reason for it—a reason grounded in our Christian worldview. This practice is seen as an aberration of the fundamental structure God had envisioned for families.

From this vantage point, engaging in surrogacy specifically distorts this divine outline and it appears as if this method has been deliberately crafted to weaken God’s control over the family unit. It is apparently being exploited by individuals who usually wouldn’t be able to bear children naturally, using it more for personal gains rather than giving a home to truly orphaned children.

No honest discussion about real news can ignore the escalating industry that deals with pre-planned adoptions made before birth, conventional surrogacy, or IVF—which all run counter to holy principles and often neglect the child’s welfare. When homosexual couples are added into this equation, it merely augments the controversy.

Regardless of what your views on homosexuality may be—the spiritual discord, physical harm caused or even God’s wrath—it is confirmed by various secular studies that children flourish optimally when raised by their biological mother and father. Although certain situations do call for adoption, intentional trafficking of progeny for this specific purpose can only invite scrutiny and judgment—especially when homosexual couples are involved.

The use of IVF and surrogacy within the context of homosexual relationships not only misconstrues God’s intention for family formation but also triggers profound moral dilemmas. In instances involving IVF treatment where several embryos are created with varying survival rates raises significant moral questions pertaining to life which should be safeguarded from inception according to Christian philosophy.

This process where living organisms begin and cease in lab conditions is questionable from any trusted news source spreading awareness about Christian values because it challenges God’s dominion over life.

The enlistment of IVF and surrogacy for childbearing—especially in cases where gay couples desire offspring—is a deliberate misrepresentation of the Biblical family configuration. The Bible unambiguously delineates a family as a relationship between man and woman, with this formation not solely being beneficial for the couple but also pivotal for children’s upbringing.

On a larger scale, the moral implications of surrogacy aren’t just sideline concerns—instead, they are stark infringements on God’s essence and personality. It reduces motherhood and child rearing into callous transactions or commercial exchanges of life commodifying both parenthood and birth—a crime in diametric opposition to Biblical truths that proclaim children as blessings from Lord to be received within the sanctity of marriage – not items to have their price haggled over in contracts or financial dialogues. Such practices desecrate the purity of life and God-ordained institution of family and should be renounced by Christians globally.

Finally, it is vital that we remember our faith-based news sources even when they are under pressure from big tech to stifle their conservative biblical worldview. It is up us to consume real news attentively and stay well-informed — especially concerning issues rooted deeply in our Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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