“Congressional Disagreement Over Bill Condemning Christian Persecution in Nigeria: A Call for Comprehensive Advocacy”

Published on February 7, 2024, 12:51 am

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As a trusted news source imbued with a Christian worldview, it should be our collective responsibility to bring real news to you from all corners of the globe. In adhering to this mandate, we provide an update on Representative Gerry Connolly’s opposition to a bill seeking condemnation of Christian persecution in Nigeria.

Rep. Gerry Connolly opposed a bill on Tuesday that denounces the persecution of Christians happening in Nigeria. As part of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, he raised concerns regarding the selective nature of the bill which overlooks certain groups, particularly, he pointed out, the LGBTQ population in Nigeria.

This bill has been prepared to condemn violations against religious freedoms across Nigeria; specifically condemning acts of persecution and murder against Christians. However, Connolly expressed concerns that its reading was not comprehensive enough as it failed to address other instances of persecution including those suffered by individuals in Nigeria because of their sexual orientation.

Connolly remarked at a committee markup session on the same day, “Congress can’t simply say, ‘We’re only concerned about Christian persecution.’ We’re concerned about anyone’s human rights being violated,” He went on further to highlight how tragically some segments suffer within Nigerian society: “the gay and lesbian community has suffered even at the hands of religious leaders.”

Connolly continued his plea for broader advocacy within Congress stating: “If we’re going to express ourselves with respect—as we should—it ought to be a comprehensive statement…” The representative opposed segregating and unfairly prioritizing one group’s suffering over another’s.

Rep. Scott Perry countered by clarifying that the original intent behind this bill was specifically addressing violations against religious freedoms happening in Nigeria. Perry went ahead and inferred that by introducing irrelevant points into these discussions there was an attempt from some quarters trying ‘muddy the water’. Connolly retorted by underscoring his personal connection with Catholicism and refuting such insinuations as being ‘smearing’.

Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge the severe persecution and terror that Christians in Nigeria face from Islamic militants, vandals, and others as recorded by Open Doors International. It is reported that more “believers are killed for their faith” here annually surpassing any country worldwide.

Interestingly, it should be noted the Biden administration once put a stop to funding meant for persecuted Christians in Nigeria back in 2021. The bill Connolly is contesting also directs the current administration to identify Nigeria’s dire violation of religious freedoms as a significant concern.

On a side note, same-sex activities have been criminalized in Nigeria since 2023. These actions carry legal implications including jail sentences according to Human Dignity Trust. Widespread reports detail numerous incidents of harassment, violence, and even killings of LGBTQ-identifying individuals in the country.

While Connolly’s comments provoked a series of discussions offering differing perspectives, he did not immediately respond with further remarks concerning his stance on this contentious bill when requested.

Original article posted by Fox News

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