“Confusion of Faith and Politics: Idolizing Politicians and Misusing Biblical Doctrines”

Published on December 7, 2023, 1:22 am

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Within the pages of Matthew 16:13-20, a passage deeply rooted in Christian doctrine, Peter utters his historic confession. Replying to Jesus’ question, “who do you say that I am,” Peter proclaims Jesus as the Christ and the Son of the living God. Echoing this statement, Jesus acknowledges His divine identity and asserts that it will be this rock-solid truth upon which He shall construct His Church. Offering assurance to His Apostles, Christ further declares that even the gates of hell would hold no power over it. This firmly cements His authoritative protection against all forms of evil including any opposition faced by His church.

Although deeply spiritual in its intent, this passage is never designed to serve political endorsements or boost individual statuses. It stands as an uncompromising statement of faith’s resiliency over societal evil. Yet, within our current political sphere, an idolatrous faction appears to be augmenting around politicians such as Donald Trump.

Over the past weekend, a remarkable event took place when hundreds of pastors from Iowa assembled to pray for Donald Trump. However, their act was not just a simple prayer; it represented almost an act of deification towards Trump. One pastor even invoked elements from Peter’s Confession during his supplication affirming that “the gates of hell shall not prevail against him.” The ‘him’ here bizarrely referring to Trump themselves.

The prerogative whether one supports or votes for Trump remains wholly personal; however, these incidents underscore what may occur when spiritual leaders lose their grounding and border on idolizing political figures. Equating Donald Trump or indeed any other politician with ‘the Bride of Christ’ feels reminiscent more of high-level idolatry than anyone deeply rooted Christian worldview.

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The tendency of some pastors to side with Trump and brandishing the protective walls of Matthews 16:13-20 – “the gates of hell shall not prevail against him” – should not obscure the true message of this passage. However, in these challenging times, Christians worldwide forge on, upholding their rich doctrines and worldview steadfastly against any external threats or oppositions. After all, our existence committed to biblical values is what holds us together. We won’t go down without a fight; we stand firm rooted in our Christian worldview offering trusted news daily.

Original article posted by Fox News

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