Confronting a New ‘Rome’: The Rise of Progressivism and its Challenge to Contemporary Christianity

Published on August 27, 2024, 12:29 am

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The resonant echoes of “No Peace with Rome” from the Protestant Reformation reverberate still in the ears of those averse to collusion with institutional corruption and heresy. Such was once the rallying cry against an entangled Roman Catholic Church, encapsulated in errors deeply disturbing to the gospel truth itself. It is becoming increasingly clear that contemporary Christians find themselves at such a crucial crossroads, facing yet another ‘Rome’ – a new specter of progressivism.

This damning reincarnation of it encroaches on religious conviction through figures as diverse as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, Roman Catholic politicians who purportedly parade their faith for political gain, or so-called Evangelical pastors such as David Platt, Matt Chandler, Thabiti Anyabwile—all mask-bearers for radical leftist ideologies. These proponents advocate an agenda at variance with sacred teachings—amounting to what could be described as an affront to God himself.

In some cases, critics have emphasized that these voices see any refusal for unity with them as “political idolatry”. This viewpoint has presented tense challenges in relation to topics such as abortion, homosexuality, CRT, which are considered by many more than political issues—they are seen as moral questions necessitating biblical correction.

Increasingly virulent left-leaning ideologies continue their pervasion into various domains: progressive institutions; Democratic parties—each seemingly sworn to one unholy creed: opposition to God. Just like their reformers countering papal powers in time past without compromise–Christian faithful are urged not take lightly these leftist intrusions into the church advancing godless ideologies. The plea for unity with those propagating ideas detrimental to Christian beliefs will no longer fly under any guise.

Promises of “unity” sing out irresistible serenades from just beneath appearing sheep-like facades—but do not be deceived. These pastors, politicians—purveyors of poisonous progressivism—react vehemently condemning acts of violence insofar as these align with their crafted narratives. Yet, they stay eerily silent or even cheerful about the violent slaughter of unborn children and disregard the unsettling unrest left in the wake of rioters’ devastation on our neighborhoods.

The underpinning worldview of this radical movement is likened to a cancer—dangerously corrosive to God’s church, His creation, and everything they represent. While espousing peace and reconciliation, but beneath it all wages a relentless campaign to abort the Church’s mission while instigating social disarray.

Over several recent years, leftists have cleverly stoked seeds of division and violence cloaked under ‘unity,’ manufacturing culture of fear through persistent disinformation targeting any figure daring enough stand for truth. They’ve mastered deploying buzzwords such as “Nazis,” or “white supremacists” or “anti-choice”—all designed not just to insult but also as potent war weapons aimed at recasting conservative views in villainous frames within their skewed narratives.

On hearing such false statements, one might indeed believe that affirming life, advocating biblical truth, valuing limited government principles somehow qualify as demonic actions – however, this volleys beyond misunderstanding; it exists as a calculated maneuver inciting hatred and aggression against whoever dares question their radical agenda.

This unfortunate tactic infringes more on religious beliefs promoting unity and common ground between sects. A call rings loud for faithful believers henceforth: No peace with Rome—no peace with progressives. In such an escalating warfare fraught with deceit — compromise nor surrender remains far from sight.
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Original article posted by Fox News

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