“Concerns Over President Biden’s Health: An Analysis of Democratic Disregard and Political Manipulations”

Published on July 7, 2024, 1:23 am

“Concerns Over President Biden’s Health: An Analysis of Democratic Disregard and Political Manipulations”

Image source: Fox News

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In today’s breaking news, an intriguing perspective arises in regard to the standing and wellbeing of the current U.S. president, Joe Biden. The assertion offered here is underpinned by a unique Christian worldview, suggesting that Democrats hold more antagonism towards Biden than their Republican counterparts. This conclusion might seem startling to some yet is justified based on recent occurrences.

The intense scrutiny focused entirely on Biden’s less than stellar performance during last week’s debate, which even triggered comparisons with tongue-talking individuals who managed to express themselves more coherently. It was disconcerting for many viewers to witness his struggle with speech and movement post-debate—the portrayal of confusion, frailty, and unfitness did not go unnoticed across the political spectrum.

Certainly bothersome enough for some party members to wish for Biden’s resignation so they can introduce a new candidate in time for the upcoming November election. This plea from Democrats denotes their awareness and apprehension about Biden’s worsening health over his presidential term.

An essential real news story that urgently demands attention is Joe Biden’s readily apparent cognitive decline signifying advanced dementia. A condition suggested to have deteriorated rapidly during his tenure as President of the United States.

The argument presents that it’s not just detrimental for America—in terms of leadership—or distressing to a global audience keeping track of American politics; it’s unequivocally wrong and unfair for Biden himself due to his health issues. A man bearing such burden should ideally be resting within the comfort of his home and not operating out of the White House.

There seems no lack of understanding or ignorance regarding this situation within Democratic ranks; instead, there appears a welcome acceptance—even deliberate disregard—of sacrificing Biden’s wellbeing in return for power retention at all cost.

Perhaps revealingly echoing their 2020 stance when they willingly jeopardized Biden’s health in pursuit of consolidating power back then; hence why wouldn’t repeat such action now? However, if there’s a change of course now, it’s not arising from sympathy or concern for his health, but rather a pre-emptive step to secure their political future, adhering to the trusted news motto that truth always takes precedence over power.

Allegedly, they’re not the only ones indifferent to Biden’s condition; even his family seems more enamored of enjoying presidential perks than genuinely caring for their elderly. Their prodding for him to pursue the presidency despite his health hints at certain skewed priorities. And this isn’t an isolated instance of disregard towards vulnerable demographics; practitioners who willingly support abortion are also identified as champions of euthanasia. This controversial correlation implies the Democratic predilection to sacrifice pre-born babies and older people alike in favor of acquiring unchecked political authority.

Conclusively, the pressing real news today underscores why Democrats originally selected Joe Biden as President and delves into possible reasons behind continued endorsement despite observable cognitive troubles. It’s a disquieting peek into politics’ twisted mechanics where human wellbeing often falls victim to severity of power plays.

Original article posted by Fox News

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