“CompassCare Criticizes FBI’s Lack of Transparency in Pro-Abortion Vandalism Case: A Severe Test for the FACE Act and Law Enforcement Accountability”

Published on April 6, 2024, 12:32 am

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In New York’s Rochester, the pro-life pregnancy resource center, CompassCare, voices strong criticism against the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for its lack of transparency regarding an investigation into pro-abortion vandalism attacks on the center. Nearly two years since the first incident in June 2022, despite billboards posted by FBI offering a reward of $25,000 for any leads that result in apprehending the culprits behind this abortion-related violence, no status update has been provided by authorities regarding their progress or lack thereof.

The billboard, erected about a mile from CompassCare’s location was noticed by the organization on April 1. This billboard sighting coincides with recent conviction events related to another pro-abortion arsonist named Hridindu Sankar Roychowdhury who pleaded guilty to carrying out an attack on a separate pro-life entity in Madison, Wisconsin.

Much to their frustration and concerns about trusted news and justice delivery, CompassCare reveals that FBI has neither communicated with them concerning this billboard display nor generated updates on its investigation into this act of violence. These claims were made by Rev. Jim Harden, CompassCare CEO who questions if these law enforcement efforts to solve cases of aggression against pro-life groups are mere public relations maneuvers intended to boost their reputation during times of media pressure and scrutiny from congressional judiciary committees.

CompassCare suffered a subsequent attack in March 2023. In giving evidence of real news based on surveillance footage provided by Virginia Allen at The Daily Signal; an individual hooded figure was seen approaching the center frontage where he defaced Compasscare’s sign with graffiti – ‘Liars’, before retreating down the street.

This floodgate of anti-pro-life hostility saw Jane’s Revenge – a radical group deeply rooted in pro-abortion beliefs claiming responsibility for these frightful series of events such as the firebombing and spray-painting messages like “Jane was here” on building walls.

According to Catholic Vote trackers, such religious hate crimes and targeted aggressions multiplied following the leak of a Supreme court draft opinion in May 2022 that signaled the overturning of historic ruling Roe v. Wade. This has seen at least 236 attacks unleashed on Catholic churches and nearly 90 assaults on pro-life pregnancy centers.

The Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) theoretically extends protection against intentional breaches or damage not only for abortion clinics but also pro-life initiatives such as churches and pregnancy centers. However, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) seems to interpret this law differently, charging solely pro-life campaigners with violating FACE Act in 2022 and only five individuals since then who aimed their hostility at these pro-life support centers.

In February, conservative leaders urged House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and House Speaker Mike Johnson for an immediate repeal of the FACE Act. They voiced complaints about the DOJ under Biden administration weaponizing this legislation against peaceful protests outside abortion clinics.
The Executive Director Advancing American Freedom Paul Teller commented on this stating that the Biden administration is using FACE Act as a tool against peaceful pro-life advocates who aim for life preservation and mindset transformation through their activities.

This breaking news emphasizes important themes such as society’s regard for Christian worldview, commitment towards unbiased investigative processes by authoritative bodies like FBI which provide trusted news about criminal cases’ progress, especially in scenarios surrounding rights activists fighting against abortion-related violence. Insights were provided significantly by Virginia Allen contributing towards compiling this devastating chain of events affecting the pro-lifers community nationwide.

Original article posted by Fox News

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