“Clash of Convictions: Nigerian United Methodist Church Resists Western Liberal Influence on Traditional Christian Ethics”

Published on July 31, 2024, 12:40 am

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As real news emerges from the United Methodist Church (UMC) in Nigeria, a developing story depicts the harsh divide between American progressive trends and the traditional Christian worldview upheld by its African counterparts. The Nigerian UMC proudly clings to their biblical sexual ethics, defying any form of moral relativism emerging from the West.

In center of this momentous struggle stands Harry Kanawa, Episcopal Choir President of the Nigerian UMC. Recently, he took to social media to ring a warning bell against an impending threat. Bishop John Schol from America, known for his endorsement of LGBTQ ideologies, arrived in Abuja with an aim to advocate for homosexual practices within the Nigerian UMC. Drawing on trusted news sources, it’s clear that Kanawa was not shy about expressing strong opposition to what he called Schol’s ‘devilish intentions’.

Bishop Schol discovered firsthand how definitive the opposition was when attempts to argue his case at a cabinet meeting in Northern Nigeria were summarily dismissed. Met with indomitable resistance and refusal to partake in Western decadence, Schol was compelled to retreat from proceedings.

Highlighting scenes of staunch protest and banners denouncing Schol’s message on his Facebook page, Kanawa exhorted his followers: “The situation reports in Northern conference annual Nigeria… Bishop Schol is NOT welcome… No regionalization.”

As events escalated, they culminated with Bishop Schol being escorted out to Yola International Airport under hostilities fueled by Shcol’s perceived affront against traditional Christian values. Kanawa sent him off unequivocally stating “We disagreed to agreed.”

From this breaking news point-of-view drawing on a Christian worldview perspective, it’s evident that a fraction within UMC’s rank is unyielding and prepared for fracture over important matters. Amidst internal conflicts threatening their unity; followers are urged to be vigilant.

Just as apostle Paul warned churches centuries ago about false prophets in sheep’s clothing, the global church today must be equally cautious. Whether it be vestiges of Roman Catholicism or recent liberal offsprings like UMC that veer from biblical teachings, scriptural doctrine insists on separation to prevent similar moral decay.

It’s this real news narrative that clarifies the urgent need for believers everywhere to stand firm on their principles and the sanctity of traditional Christian ethics. Notwithstanding any other practical or doctrinal problems they may face as a community, Nigerian UMC’s staunch commitment to preserving these ethics against Western liberal influence is worth noting. This story stands as a testament to their determination and unwavering faith in resisting moral subversion and offers insightful perspectives for global observers. The conflict within the United Methodist Church thus continues to echo the deeper struggle within Christianity itself: holding steadfast on biblical values amidst shifting ideological currents.

Original article posted by Fox News

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