“Churches and Sexual Anarchy: The Escalating Threat to Traditional Faith”

Published on December 4, 2023, 1:58 am

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The Apostle Paul, in 2 Timothy 4:3, forewarned of a time when individuals would begin to alienate sound doctrine and instead indulge in practices that cater to their pleasures in a world pocked with disdain and rebellion against God. An excellent illustration is the open denial of one’s natural existence as created by God and a pursuit of a fantastical course such as cross-dressing or impersonating the opposite gender.

It is not uncommon to expect such tendencies from society at large, as Biblical scriptures abound with instances where societies have been subjected to sexual anarchy for their wrongdoings. Undeniably, sexual anarchy stands out as one of those few sins where the sin itself becomes its punishment. This indulgence into unlawful acts prove harmful for humankind and disrespectful towards God. The very reason for our concern and opposition stems from this understanding, leading us to expose these truths and prompt those embedded in such actions to repent.

Progressive churches like United Methodist Churches, Evangelical Lutheran churches, bring drag queens into prominence. Yet these are not churches but more so satanic congregations. While “Baptist” “churches” are less prevalent in the world of progressive pseudoreligious sex-for-entertainment occultism, change seems imminent.

A noteworthy instance includes how Grace Baptist Church located at Richmond intends on entertaining this depravity next Saturday – an act seen merely as an affront to creation by our Creator.

Flamy Grant, a drag queen formerly associated with Caedmon’s Call band member Derek Webb is expected to grace the event – A dismaying spectacle where they appeared dressed in women’s clothing on social media platforms sharing unusual pictures.

These pseudo “Churches” increasingly resemble satanic havens grossly turning their back on gospel values and indulging overtly in grotesque performances while concurrently abandoning God’s Word. They have gradually turned into premeditated instruments of destruction awaited for their faithlessness. The acceptance of these “sex clowns” on stage is not merely an innocent act of amusement or entertainment; it decidedly represents a malicious blasphemy and an evident verdict of God’s wrath.

Nonetheless, the real heartbreak rests in the passive concealment among several pastors who choose silence over condemning these profanities thereby aiding in the desecration of Christ’s name. Such widespread reticence among true Churches bear witness to our era’s growing spiritual deterioration.

Our existence today indeed faces severe threats! Big tech firms strive to suppress our voices fiercely while trying to obliterate our conservative biblical worldview. However, rest assured that this fight shall continue unopposed. Hence, we encourage everyone to stay connected with us for more such Real News rooted in Christian Worldview from Trusted News sources, essential in navigating through the complexities of our present world.

Original article posted by Fox News

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