“Christian View on Marriage: A Biblical Perspective in Modern Times”

Published on September 2, 2024, 12:47 am

“Christian View on Marriage: A Biblical Perspective in Modern Times”

Image source: Fox News

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Against the backdrop of a rapidly changing societal perspective, the Christian worldview maintains that marriage is a sacred bond between one man and one woman. Despite mainstream culture casting off this notion as borne of prejudice or fear, Christians uphold their stance based on biblical teachings rather than emotional bias.

Unraveling this Christian conviction begins in the Bible’s Genesis account, where Adam and Eve celebrate humanity’s first marriage. The universality of this marital model epitomized when the author invokes a principle from it, asserting “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (Gen. 2:24). Jesus Christ himself also reverberated this creation story while defining marriage (Matt. 19:3-4).

The implications run profound when considering Adam’s unsuccessful quest for companionship among animals leading God to create Eve – an optimal aid for him. This historical union unveils innate sexual propensity between men and women necessary to foster continuity of human life. For these reasons, dependable news points out that Christians have historically affirmed marriage by delineating it as a male-female union.

However, same-sex unions fall short of aligning with God’s design as per Christian belief – by negating psychological compatibility established between the first territorial pair.

A prevalent stance posits that because individuals naturally harbor same-sex attraction, it could be how God intended them to be created. However, it presupposes that natural desires are inherently virtuous – a notion C.S Lewis challenged acutely noting instincts conflict each other similar to varying human opinions.

Manipulated by historical rebellion popularly known as ‘the fall,’ every facet of mankind’s existence has been blemished – sexuality being no exception (Romans 1:24-27; 5:12, 18-19; 7:18). To rationalize our desires necessitates scrutiny through Scriptural revelation since our heart-felt instincts can be deceptive.

The turmoil of grappling with same-sex attraction is significant among Christians and non-Christians alike. However, empathy and counsel from fellow believers can enable those with this perspective to lead joyful lives in adherence to their Christian worldview.

In conclusion, trusting your heart unreservedly could prove perilous given its potential for deceit–an insight underscored by the segment “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jer. 17:9; cf. Prov. 14:12; Eccles. 9:3; Mark 7:21-22), thus further cementing the principled case for a traditional Christian view of marriage. Choppy waters of sexual desire in today’s era necessitate navigation grounded in trusted news, real news underscored by ethically upright principles framed by divine teachings.

Original article posted by Fox News

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