“Christian Nationalism: The Core of America’s Conservatism – An Insight by Senator Josh Hawley”

Published on July 10, 2024, 12:50 am

[{"tldr": "Senator Josh Hawley recently made a speech highlighting the importance of Christian nationalism at the National Conservatism Conference. He differentiates it from other forms of nationalism, praising its attributes of limited government, liberty of conscience and popular sovereignty. Stating that these beliefs are integral to Western civilization, Hawley links America's conservative movement to Christian heritage and the values that emerged following the fall of Rome. He urges American conservatives to hold true to these traditions, highlighting issues such as immigration without shared values, economic decline, insecure borders and society losing sight of traditional faith in public places. The senator warns against radical ideals replacing these values with their own doctrines which he believes threaten national unity."] }

Senator Josh Hawley recently emphasized the pivotal role Christian nationalism has played in shaping historical and current times at a recent National Conservatism Conference, clarifying its broad distinction from other forms of nationalism. “The nationalism of Rome led to blood-thirst and conquest; the old pagan tribalisms led to ethnic hatred. The empires of the East crushed the individual, and the blood-and-soil nativism of Europe in the last two centuries led to savagery and genocide,” stated Hawley emphasizing how Christian nationalism stands apart.

Drawing strongly from St. Augustine’s Christian worldview, Sen. Hawley lauded it as a moral compass that champions limited government, liberty of conscience and popular sovereignty, forming the bedrock ethical convictions for Western civilization. This guiding light birthed universal principles like liberty for all to worship according to conscience, and welcoming people across all races and ethnic backgrounds into a fellowship defined by mutual respect.

Hawley’s speech underscored that America’s conservative movement is rooted in history – specifically connected to ancient Rome’s fall which marked an ending but also sparked a new beginning embodying values derived from Christian heritage. St Augustine boldly refuted accusations blaming Christianity for Rome’s downfall citing instead faith had been Rome’s singular vitality during its collapse and helped build an enhanced civilization on its ruins.

Using ravaged Rome as a metaphorical backdrop, Augustine drafted his monumental work “The City of God,” outlining his vision of a society directed by Biblical love – considered integral to not just individual identities but societies’ disposition too. Roman Republic’s decadence was due to corrupted affections but amidst this devastation came hope through Augustinian doctrines – Christian nationalism – guided not via coercion but mutual purpose.

Puritans standing true to Augustinian philosophy arrived in American shores building ‘the City on a Hill.’ America thus embodies values identified with common man’s dignity anchored by divine allurements encompassing God, family, neighborly relations, home and country.

Urging American conservatives to re-embrace the Christian traditions that hold up this nation, Sen. Hawley broached concerns plaguing contemporary America like increasing immigration numbers without common ideals or threats to public safety because of insecure borders. He expressed distress over failing economies, collapsing working class structures and families fraying due to uncontrolled globalization – an issue relevant in the context of real news today.

Religion being unceremoniously ousted from public square raised particular concern with Hawley underscoring its foundational role in national unity and functioning democracy based on shared spiritual affections. His speech further tackled radical ideas from the Left seeking to replace traditional faith-based values with new age intersections saying they malign our common love and stoke class conflict by replacing traditional religion with their self-styled doctrine. Their real agenda, he contends, is not merely economic manipulation but principally a spiritual attack on our collective affections.

Hawley unequivocally pitches for defending shared loves forming America’s unity – work, home and God – representing true Christian nationalism benefiting every citizen irrespective of faith adherence. His strong message is defending these loves will save the nation despite any climate of impending doom propagated by naysayers.

Leveraging cherished ideas from Augustine’s teachings offers a roadmap to recover principles necessary for future generations as well as sustains current ones who desire trusted news centered on their regional realities predicated on a Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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