“Christian Conservatives and the Crossroads of Religion and Republican Politics”

Published on August 4, 2024, 12:32 am

“Christian Conservatives and the Crossroads of Religion and Republican Politics”

Image source: Fox News

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To all the spiritually-conscious electorate who find themselves standing at the crossroads of politics and their deeply-embedded Christian worldview, this is a call to action – not an attempt to sway you from voting Republican or favoring Donald Trump. This plea rather encourages each of you Christian conservatives to step forward in exercising your right with full awareness that neither Trump nor GOP can serve as the symbolic beacon for Christianity.

Remember how, back in 2016, Peter Thiel addressed the RNC announcing his distinct identities, one of them being gay? Today, Republicans like Thiel no longer need to negotiate with conflicting views within their party. The latest GOP platform now deserts all affirmations for God-derived marriage along with opposition to same-sex ‘marriage’.

Brad Polumbo’s op-ed in Newsweek hails Trump’s new GOP platform as a massive victory for LGBT Americans, stating that long-standing goals have been achieved overnight without any considerable uproar from socially conservative circles. However, it’s not just about marriage; there is a noticeable dilution of the pro-life stance too.

It seems like Alexandra De Sanctis’ op-ed headline for National Review strikes a note as it declares: “The GOP Platform Is a Major Loss for Pro-Life Movement”. The new version has trimmed much of its contents about abortion rights and now merely states that they ‘proudly stand for families and Life’. Moreover, there is clear delineation expressed by Trump against advocating a federal ban on abortion.

On same-sex ‘marriage’, he declared in 2016 on CBS ‘60 Minutes’ that ‘it’s law. It was settled in the Supreme Court’, thereby not contesting laws already passed upholding it.

Does this mean Christian conservatives should refrain from voting for him or for the GOP? Absolutely not! The idea is simply to encourage voters to approach the ballot box with full knowledge and consciousness that politics should never seek to replace what only Gospel can offer.

Get out, cast your vote and understand the profundity of some aspects of the Democrats’ agenda. But what’s crucial is to devote more to the Great Commission with utmost zeal, passion, and dedication – be disciples and create them. It’s more than politics; it’s about becoming a beacon for moral sanity and spiritual clarity.

There’s no denying that politics holds a place but remember, it is not synonymous with Gospel. There exists an enormous difference between the kingdom of God and GOP, not to mention an infinitely large one between a messianic savior like Jesus Christ who embodies the heart of Christian worldview and Donald Trump. Go forth now into this political arena, armed with Real News from Trusted sources, maintaining clarity at all times.

Remember always that you’re voting in real issues tied up in politics for real-world results – it’s critical we approach it with open eyes and not let misguided loyalty lead us away from our cherished Christian values.

Original article posted by Fox News

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