“Christian Community Divided over Basketball Icon Steph Curry’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris and Pro-Choice Stance”

Published on September 23, 2024, 12:56 am

“Christian Community Divided over Basketball Icon Steph Curry’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris and Pro-Choice Stance”

Image source: Fox News

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The renown Golden State Warriors superstar, Steph Curry, has recently come under public criticism by prominent voices within the Christian Community who have expressed their disappointment over Curry’s support for Vice President Kamala Harris due to her stance on Abortion.

Among vociferous critics is Ryan Bomberger, co-founder and CCO of The Radiance Foundation. He penned an exclusive column for a real news outlet where he described Curry’s position as “tragic”. Interestingly, Bomberger has previously spoken publicly about how his biological mother chose life despite being among the 1% of women who conceive via forced sexual intercourse.

During a CNBC interview earlier this month, Curry was queried about his endorsement of Harris for president in the upcoming November 5 elections. Responding, Curry placed importance on “women’s rights,” stating that this was one of his critical concerns in terms of what is at stake in the election.

Curry elucidated his belief that women should retain the right to decide their own course of action concerning abortions. This position he clearly defined as “at the top” of the checklist guiding his decision on presidential support.

In revealing why supporting Vice President Kamala Harris was important to him, he emphasized how influential women have been in his life and understood that Kamala qualifies to lead citing her representation “what it means to be a great leader and being a decent human being.”

The NBA superstar demonstrated prior support for Democratic candidates including former President Barack Obama and current President Joe Biden. However, this recent expression over abortion has placed him at odds with some members within the Christian community who view his support with misgiving considering his widely acknowledged Christian background.

Despite endorsing pro-choice Democrats like Harris, Curry had not shared any public sentiment on abortion before expressing emphatic agreement during this campaign season. In response to this surprise, Bomberger shared empathy from his young son – an ardent fan of Steph Curry – despairing over how the professing Christian sports icon has sided with a stance that has significantly contributed to violence and despair in black communities.

Despite Curry’s support for Harris, it’s interesting to note that his mother, Sonya Curry publicly expressed dismay over her past decision to have an abortion in her book “Fierce Love: A Memoir of Family, Faith and Purpose.” In the book, she recounted contemplating an abortion for Steph but decided against it following divine conviction.

Bomberger isn’t the only voice of discontent with Curry’s current endorsement. Another critic is Eric Metaxas – a best-selling author and a radio host who points accusing fingers at churches that prefer attracting members to maintaining traditional Christian tenets. He decries such churches for their seeming reluctance to establish definitive positions on contentious issues like abortion.

An alternate viewpoint was shared by Benjamin Watson, a former NFL player, Super Bowl Winner and known Christian, who wasn’t ruffled by Curry’s position. Rather he acknowledged that more work must be done to further emphasize the significance of life.

Where other critics might see betrayal or confusion; Watson sees an opportunity for education and change. As far as these diverse voices are concerned within the purview of their Christian worldview – It seems there is still much discussion ahead concerning this ongoing predicament over the right to life.

Original article posted by Fox News

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