“Challenging Victimhood Narratives: Discussing Abortions in the Context of Christian Ethics”

Published on December 3, 2023, 1:56 am

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Jesus once cautioned that pursuing His path would not be easy and that the world may despise us for following Him. The very essence of being a Christian requires adherence to a cause that extends far beyond this momentary existence and asks for sacrificial commitment. This challenge was famously framed by Christ when He said: “Anyone who finds their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it” (Matthew 10:39). This principle underpins the fact that one must shed all worldly attachments, perhaps even life itself, to truly embody Christ’s teachings.

A major ongoing debate about the horrifying act of abortion has sparked a controversy within some evangelical circles, particularly within the Southern Baptist Convention and its Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC). An argument has risen suggesting women as “secondary victims” of abortion. Although this assertion might seem compassionate at face value, it obscures an essential biblical truth—abortion is a sin, with all participants sharing moral culpability.

The scripture reveals unequivocally that choosing life over obedience to Christ in Luke 14:27 can lead to loss of spiritual life; thus framing our understanding of true dedication to Jesus—an unwavering commitment possibly demanding our lives itself.

Contextualizing these scriptures in relation to abortion debates challenges the mainstream narrative about women being mere victims. Righteousness dictates resisting pressures leading towards taking innocent lives; aligning ourselves with divine law than bowing under transient fears or desires. Branding women as only victims in such dreadful scenarios robs them of their agency and more critically, absolves them from their responsibility before God.

Looking back at Church history, countless martyrs stand testament to unwavering dedication towards Christian doctrines even when met with mortality’s grim specter—their faithful example serves as benchmarks for true discipleship. Our fidelity towards God should supersede earthly fears or relations, even when it calls for supreme sacrifice.

This irrefutable principle stands valid even when one feels forced into committing acts deemed abominable by God. No matter the external pressures or worldly threats, we, as Christians, should uphold God’s laws. We shouldn’t capitulate to sin under duress and deny Christ’s authority over our lives.

The gospel doesn’t absolve us from moral responsibility under alleged victimhood. It demands uncompromising obedience and faith in divine sovereignty, even if it leads us through highly distressing circumstances. However, our faith comes hand-in-hand with assurance of His infinite love and mercy towards those showing genuine repentance.

Abortion isn’t merely a one-off incident—it refers back to the original sin and our universal human state. All have sinned (Romans 3:23) and fallen short of God’s glory; we aren’t victims shaped by circumstances but individuals needing salvation exclusively/solely attainable by His grace.

By labeling mothers as “victims” of abortion, the risk is neglecting these women’s need for personal repentance and belief—a distortion that undermines gospel truth. True justice can only be defined by scripture where all participants share culpability—be their roles passive or active—and are equally accountable in the eyes of God.

Despite being notorious sinners, thankfully the redemptive power of Jesus Christ’s Gospel offers forgiveness to believers indistinctly. By recognizing their role, refusing to yield before coercion or influence from any source—including the abortion industry—and turning to resurrection through Christ’s sacrifice – redemption is possible.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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