“Challenges and Persecutions Faced by Muslim Converts to Christianity in Western Societies”

Published on September 15, 2024, 12:39 am

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In the modern era, Muslims transitioning to Christianity are often confronted with various forms of distress including maltreatment and sometimes violence. This can take place in their native regions or even Western countries where they have migrated for safety. An unfortunate trend is rising in Western societies, traditionally Christian domains, which indicates a rise in anti-Christian sentiments accompanied by an irrational appreciation of Islam. The surge of Muslim migrants in Europe perhaps fuels this change: being deemed an “Islamophobe” is as detestable now as it would have been to be tagged a “Nazi” during the 1940s.

Therefore, Muslim converts hoping to find sanctuary within Christian sects may find themselves subjected to such persecution without any significant concern from authorities about their predicament. It is dreadful reality that Islamic sacred scriptures endorse killing non-believers including people who convert away from Islam—treating those embracing Christianity violently might be seen by some as following divine instructions. This context perhaps explains why approximately 91% of honor killings globally are conducted by Muslims according to JihadWatch.

Unfortunately for these converts, as Europe continues to witness an influx of Muslim migrants and more Muslims assume political power there, their safety becomes more uncertain. Even after relocating to welcoming nations – Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom – Muslim converts still experience harassment and threats from adherents of Islam.

The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians in Europe (OIDAC) revealed that religious hate crimes are on the ascent, varying from desecration and vandalism to arson attacks and physical assault; occasionally resulting in homicide cases. Converts from Islam are at exceptional risk in such circumstances.

For instance, data suggests that police forces within London express willingness towards supporting anti-Islamophobia strategies led by city leaders. Arguably this has led adherents of Islam feeling more emboldened as highlighted by Sid Cordle, a leading figure within the UK Christian Peoples Alliance who recognized a pattern amongst Islamic groups targeting Christian converts—their boldness directly correlates to their growing influence, a scenario observed on multiple occasions.

Case in point: Pakistani-native and UK resident Nissar Hussain, who converted from Islam to Christianity was physically assaulted by two Muslim men—one wielding a pickaxe—in a daunting incident caught on home-security cameras. Subsequent episodes included similar incidents befalling Turkish refugee Hatun Tash, an outspoken critic of Islam after moving to the UK.

Muslim converts to Christianity are also suffering in Europe’s refugee camps, which have been linked to hundreds of assaults against Christians over the past few years—perpetrators include security personnel within these sites. Unfortunately, media outlets and government bodies seem more engrossed with precluding any appearance of Islamophobia than safeguarding Christians.

In light of such distressing circumstances, it is reported that religious activities—for instance Bible studies and baptisms—are conducted underground for fear of repercussions should someone expose such converts publicly; this depicts a rather bleak portrait of regions like Europe that were once known as stalwarts of Christendom.

While the situation isn’t as severe in North America as in Europe, some Muslims converting away from Islam experience substantial pressure from their families or community. Abir’s case symbolizes this phenomenon—a native Bangladeshi who migrated away from his homeland decades ago now resides in Canada where he openly wears a cross and praises Jesus. He shares his family back home despises him while contending Muslims within Europe demonstrate “more of a mob mentality”.

In conclusion, despite individual countries globally having moved towards understanding and peace among different faiths; it is pertinent that individuals opting for conversion – in particular those switching from Islam – are given adequate protection and assurance leading spotlights onto trusted news showcasing real news attempting to highlight matters affecting global societies viewed through the lens of Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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