“Billionaires’ Influence on Church Politics: A Deep Dive into the Progressive Agenda in American Christian Churches”

Published on August 12, 2024, 12:27 am

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In the realm of real and trusted news, it has been reported that billionaires George Soros and Bill Gates have maneuvered their way into Christian churches with a view to promoting progressive politics among congregants. Drawing light on this issue was Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham, who made an appearance on Fox News recently to discuss such concerns from a Christian worldview.

Wielding her recent book as proof, “Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda,” Basham explicates how strategic moves were made by progressive powerbrokers. Those mentioned include not only Soros and Gates but individuals like eBay’s founder and several ex-members of President Obama’s administration, all working towards transforming American Church dynamics. Aiming at compelling evangelicals to adopt political purposes crafted by these powerhouses stands out as the chief objective of their initiatives.

Basham’s work gained considerable attention following its release last month, making its way onto bestseller lists in both The New York Times and USA Today. The book explores the gradual shift of evangelical church ministry towards progressive ideologies. It also touches upon key issues like abortion, where church leaders appear to be capitulating to the ideals upheld by progressive politics.

“What we’re observing is secular foundations driven by individuals like Soros, Gates, the Rockefellers or even entities like Clinton Foundation—who do not consider themselves Christian—secretively funding evangelical front groups,” notes Basham unequivocally.

These said front groups subsequently integrate progressive political priorities under guises resembling Bible studies or similar activities within Christian churches. They are formed with a clear mission: “to incline a critical evangelical voting demographic favorably towards concepts such as climate change regulation or lenient border policies,” says Basham.

Emphasizing her words further, Basham pointed out that these organizations do not uphold Christian ethical or moral principles in any discernible form—a clear example being their endorsement on subjects like abortion up to birth and facilitating transgender treatments on children.

The influence of these progressive billionaires and their respective front groups doesn’t seem to end there. As Basham points out, the 2020 Presidential Election saw a significant impact due to these forces, swinging a notable portion of evangelical voters towards the Democratic Party in their attempt to co-opt Christian churches.

It is worth noting that many Christians were completely unaware of this progression. In Basham’s own words: “A lot of Christians sitting in the pews are totally unsuspecting…This is significant because many analysts believe that these efforts played a crucial role in swinging just enough votes to change the election outcome in favor of Joe Biden.”

Such revelations boost understanding regarding the current movements within the evangelical community, underpinning the necessity for discernment and awareness among its constituents.

Original article posted by Fox News

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