“Biden’s Track Record: On Course to Surpass Presidential Vacation Time?”

Published on January 2, 2024, 1:11 am

[{"TLDR": "President Joe Biden spent 37% of the year in 2023 away from the White House, equaling 138 days. So far in his term, it's estimated that he's been on vacation for around 417 days or 39% of his time in office. If this trend continues, Biden could break records for the most vacation time taken by any president, potentially totaling over three years across two terms. Comparatively, former presidents spent less time away: Trump spent 381 days, Obama approximately 328 days, and Bush around 1,020 days off in two terms. Some criticized the timing of Biden's vacations during national crises. These statistics come amidst controversy regarding leaders' absences during key periods."}]}

Throughout 2023, President Joe Biden was reported to have spent over a third of the year away from the White House, frequenting vacation spots, Camp David, or taking residence in his home state, Delaware. This accounted for an extensive chunk of the year – totaling up to 138 days or 37% of it spent away from the Presidential Home. The revelation came out even while Biden was still on one such vacation with his family at St. Croix, located within U.S. Virgin Islands.

The trend isn’t particularly novel for Mr. Biden, as he has been found to be fond of such periods away from official appointments since before 2023. At this point, he has reportedly used up about 417 days of his ongoing tenure for vacations.

In line with observations made by RNCResearch recently announcing that Biden had arrived at U.S. Virgin Islands and would pass the remainder of this year enjoying time at local beachside locations. Up until now and spanning his term in office so far, Biden has been on vacation for an estimated 39%, which equates to around 417 days.

Forecasting from these numbers and according to a report published in the previous year by The Daily Mail, if Biden maintains this pattern he threatens to break records for most vacation time taken by any president throughout their service period. The estimates suggest that at this rate he might spend upwards of 1,106 days across two terms-which translates roughly into over three years-on vacations.

As comparatives run against prior leaders’ habits – former President Donald Trump spent a total of 381 days away during his term in the White house; Former President Barack Obama took roughly around 328 days off spread across two terms; even former President George W. Bush who took approximately 1,020 days off in two terms (nearly half whereof were purportedly consumed clearing brush at his Texas ranch), are likely going to lag behind Biden in this set.

The timing of some of these vacations has come under critical light, with instances where Biden was said to have absented from the capital when national crises were brewing or even choosing to spend a week at Lake Tahoe (plus a few hours on Maui) while Hawaii was grappling with repercussive damages from severe wildfires. In summing these observations up, it appears that the departure of key leaders notably during pressing periods lends itself to some controversy within the circle of trusted news discerning political real news across the Christian worldview.

Original article posted by Fox News

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