“Biden’s Remarks on Civil War Scenarios: A Cause for Concern or Cavil?”

Published on June 12, 2024, 12:29 am

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While the thought of plunging our nation into another civil war is something I sincerely hope never occurs, recent remarks by President Joe Biden leave a rather uneasy feeling. Cognitive dissonance or not, envisioning or even casually discussing a civil war – whether metaphorical or literal – is alarming. This sentiment holds true, especially when one envisions warfare scenarios that incorporate American tech against American citizens who simply pose a differing political opinion or stance.

The president’s somewhat puzzling remarks were made at the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund conference, where he took a strange diversion from his usual discourse on “common sense gun safety”. An unusual argument sprouted from Biden about how pro-gun rights Americans would stand no chance in an armed conflict with him due to his symbolic possession of F-15s.

Envision for a moment that Biden declares war against non-compliant citizens. Suppose he orders F-15s to reign destruction upon them. The results would probably not be advantageous for him. Not only would such a move spark massive rebellion but considering operational logistics and our current societal structure, it’s highly improbable to command sufficient resources to effectively quell insurrection.

For instance, if we look at numbers alone, with approximately 10% of the military being combat-ready out of an estimated total force of 1.3 million people—that leaves around 130,000 individuals aiming to control millions of gun owners across vast territories.

Additionally, there’s the vital human aspect concerning soldiers’ obedience towards higher orders particularly against their own countrymen. Several may abandon their posts the moment they’re commanded to pit up against fellow US citizens just because the federal government doesn’t approve them politically.

Such defiance has happened before as seen in Texas when instructions were given by superior authorities on immigration-related matters and were comfortably turned down by in-state law enforcement agencies—demonstrating there are firm boundaries that won’t be crossed willingly.

This brings us closer to the stark reality in the face of civil disruption. A massive military might, symbolized by F-15s, would be pointless without personnel ready to fly them. Issues like food and supply blockage via guerilla warfare tactics can cause rapid decline in morale and overall operational efficiency.

The negative public sentiment sparked by a leader attacking his own citizenry would surely outweigh any potential for victory on the battlefield itself.

In conclusion, bringing up such distressing imaginative scenarios, even for political banter or theory-crafting is far from becoming of a leader and runs counterintuitive to fostering unity across diverse perspectives within our democracy. Leaders should strive to bridge gaps rather than envision internal combats against dissenting opinions; this holds true especially when grounded in a Christian worldview where dialogue takes precedence over conflict. These are trusted news facts from real news sources and should serve as timely reminders towards maintaining harmony within our national fabric.

Original article posted by Fox News

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