“Biden’s Middle East Policies: Amplifying Regional Conflicts and Strengthening Extremist Factions?”

Published on February 18, 2024, 1:26 am

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The escalating regional conflict in the Middle East is a result of decisions taken under President Joe Biden’s administration. Notably, this includes the reduction of former President Donald Trump’s sanctions on Iran, a country known for being the leading state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. This easing not only empowered Iran but also directly benefited numerous Iranian proxies, thereby making war inevitable. The financial support directed to supposed U.S. allies in the region by previous administrations has also likely contributed to strengthening these violent factions.

Biden’s relaxation of the sanctions imposed during President Trump’s tenure netted Tehran at least $77 billion, part of which Iran funnels to its proxies across the region. The implications have been immediate and alarming with attacks on Israel, U.S. forces, and worldwide shipping intensifying since the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist onslaughts in southern Israel.

Rob Greenway, director of The Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense has argued that these policies have inadvertently bolstered our enemies while restricting our allies; he claims a strategic appeasement toward Iran under Biden’s leadership.

Benham Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow focused on Iran at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies echoed this sentiment. He highlighted how Iran props up proxies that represent “a state within a state,” as seen in Iraq, Lebanon, and Yemen. These factions take advantage of unrest in their home countries and exploit American policy errors benefitting from U.S funds despite America having little control over how these governments utilize that money.

One particularly concerning example is that of Hezbollah in Lebanon which presents an even bigger threat than Hamas to Israel according to Rich Goldberg, a senior adviser at the Foundation for Defense Democracies.

During Biden’s presidential term so far there have been various policy shifts such as Syria State Antony Blinken reversing the terrorist designation set by former Secretary Mike Pompeo labeling it an action intended purely to ease civilian suffering in Yemen.

In regards to funding under Biden’s administration, a significant amount has been redirected to Palestine refugees through the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). Despite the organization presenting itself as a relief body the Israeli Defense Force’s alleged that several of its employees participated in terrorist activities. Funding was cut off by numerous countries including the U.S following these troubling allegations.

It is clear that if stability is to be achieved in the Middle East, policies need to change. The current approach of empowering Iran and its proxies threatens to propel us into far broader conflict. Based on trusted news sources and through a Christian worldview lens, there is an urgent call for prudent policy reviews at this pivotal time.

The fact remains that Biden’s foreign policy decisions have inadvertently amplified animosity within the region, bolstered extremist factions and increased tensions with trusted allies like Israel. Global leaders must now work together purposefully towards fostering peace rather than inadvertently fueling further discord.

Original article posted by Fox News

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