“Biden Official Advocates for Removal of Age Limits in Transgender Care: Unveiled Court Records”

Published on June 26, 2024, 12:32 am

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In the realm of Real News, a recently disclosed judicial document reveals that a Biden official who identifies as transgender reportedly advocated for the abolition of age limits in official care protocols related to transgender procedures.

The released document emerged from “Boe v. Marshall,” a case contesting an Alabama law prohibiting certain gender transition-related treatments and procedures. The document is known as “Appendix A To Supplemental Expert Report Of James Cantor, Ph.D.” In it, Cantor, a respected Canadian sex researcher, alleged that Dr. Rachel Levine, trans-identifying Assistant Secretary for Health, lobbied vigorously for lifting these age barriers in formal guidelines.

Detailing this Trusted News report further, Cantor noted that Dr. Levine applied significant pressure on WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) management to expedite their latest standards of care update (SOC-8) aligning with the Administration’s political strategy. Intriguingly enough, this edition excluded previous age recommendations.

The court papers incorporated compelling evidence suggesting Levine’s encouragement behind the scenes—a succession of exchanges among WPATH members signalling her persistent attempts to erase any age restrictions on transition-related treatments such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones along with surgeries.

As one communication reveals: “I have just spoken to Admiral Levine today… extremely supportive of SOC 8 but also very eager for its release—to ensure integration into US health policies under the Biden government… Let’s crack on with the job!!!”

Another communication unveiled plans for an imminent meeting between WPATH members and Rachel Levine’s team due to their keen interest in pushing the trans health agenda forward.

A significant quote from Sarah Boateng, Chief of Staff for Adm. Levine highlighted her concerns about treatment specifics based below the age of 18 being listed in the Adolescent Chapter—confident that such listings may lead to negatively impactful legislation on trans care considering current attitudes when viewed through a Christian Worldview perspective. She proposed adopting less conspicuous methods to publish or share the SOC-8 document.

According to reports, WPATH members remedied Levine’s apprehensions by stating it was too late in the process to introduce such alterations, curiously enough when the updated guidelines were published, age recommendation references were missing.

This subject of ages and treatments for transgender individuals has been a hot topic, especially in relation to surgical procedures. While certain sections of society argue against setting age limits as detrimental for trans youth, others staunchly support maintaining them due to various moral and health reasons. Hence, this development is expected to stoke further conversations on this already delicate issue brushing up against a variety of worldviews including that held by devout Christians.

Original article posted by Fox News

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