“Biden Administration’s Proposed Title IX Revision: Growing Concerns Among Female Athletes and Advocates”

Published on June 28, 2024, 12:38 am

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The Biden administration has recently drawn considerable attention, as it seemingly challenges the very foundation of Title IX. In response, a consortium of female athletes, coaches, and sports advocates have dedicated the past month touring the country to raise widespread awareness on this critical issue.

Introduced in 1972, Title IX was designed as a federal education amendment, ensuring equal opportunities for both men and women in schools nationwide. However, what has truly roused public interest is President Joe Biden’s commitment to altering these underlying protections by fundamentally repositioning what Title IX stands for.

As per this revision proposed by the Biden administration, ‘sex’ would be equated to ‘gender identity’. A concern arising from this amendment is that this potentially could allow individuals identifying as females – including those biologically male – to seize opportunities intended specifically for women. Paula Scanlan, an ex-collegiate swimmer lends her voice to this discussion.

Shared from her personal experience in competitive sport at the University of Pennsylvania women’s swim team, Paula was required to compete alongside a male peer who identifies himself as a woman. Troubled by these proposed changes to Title IXby the Biden Administration she argues that redefining sex within Title IX’s framework accommodating gender identity could inadvertently endanger fair competition for girls and women in their respective sports fields.

However unbelievable it might seem at first encounter, Scanlan describes her initial reaction as one of incredulity when William Thomas—a male peer—unveiled his intentions back in 2019 to participate on the female team come next season. No prank show revelation ever ensued and eventually Thomas joined them under his new identity Lia Thomas competing along with other female swimmers.

Post-graduation brought a newfound realization about her past experiences; observance of Lia winning medals originally slated for female athletes motivated Scanlan further encourage dialogue on preserving fairness in women’s sports.

Scanlan holds place among numerous other female competitors joining together throughout different stages of the Independent Women’s Forum’s “Take Back Title IX Summer Bus Tour”. The purpose of this campaign stands to enlighten American citizens on the extensive impacts that Title IX transitioning towards accommodating gender identities might bring about; imparting its potential influence not only onto women’s sports but posing major implications on the usage of restrooms, locker rooms, and dormitories as well.

Engaging a wider audience into this conversation further, Scanlan along with Kim Russell—a former chief women’s lacrosse coach at Oberlin College—joined together over a “Problematic Women” podcast extending their perspectives onto keeping female sports exclusive to females.

So in the face of this turbulent development, we encourage you to delve deeply and stay updated with trusted news from a Christian worldview. Stay informed with real news that matters.

Original article posted by Fox News

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