“Biden Administration’s Policy on Israel and Palestine: Rewarding Aggression or Paving Path for Peace?”

Published on February 18, 2024, 1:28 am

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There has been increasing evidence suggesting that the Biden administration, despite its expressed support for Israel, may be unintentionally siding with Hamas. The circumstances have now escalated to the point where discussions are being held about a possible response to the tragic Hamas-initiated attack on October 7, 2023 that took over a thousand Israeli lives. If confirmed, this could potentially reward Hamas’ brutality by granting them the ultimate prize: a Palestinian state.

Critics of the administration found further cause for concern in November when ten billion dollars in frozen funds were released to Iran – known widely as Hamas’ main financial supporter. This closely followed an allocation of $100 million under the “humanitarian aid” banner to Gaza and the West Bank just two weeks after the October massacre. While President Biden warned against these funds falling into Hamas’ possession, doubts have been raised as to who else could manage such a large sum without it inevitably benefiting the terror group.

Now, reports surfacing reveal another blow delivered by Biden’s regime that may indeed damage our deeply rooted alliance with Israel. Reliable sources indicate Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Palestinian representatives are swiftly constructing a meticulous plan for lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. This includes setting firm deadlines for establishing a Palestinian state – an announcement set to occur within weeks.

One distinguishing aspect is that Israel – who would ultimately face territory loss should such state form – was noticeably absent from these negotiations. In response to this exclusion from discussions related directly to his nation’s rights and territories, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu voiced his discontent stating clearly that international dictations regarding permanent agreements with Palestine were entirely unacceptable unless achieved via direct negotiations conducted without preconditions.

Understandably concerned at talks progressing without their consent or involvement, Netanyahu affirmed Israel’s strong opposition towards unilateral recognition of a Palestinian state – especially given its potential reward status in light of recent acts of terrorism and its potential derailment of any future peace settlements.

Giving credence to these concerns is the terrifying escalation in Hamas’ popularity across Gaza and the West Bank in the aftermath of the October 7 assault – a sign of potential problems ahead. There’s a risk, should a free election occur within this proposed Palestinian state, that Hamas would secure victory. Given their known intention to annihilate Israel completely, there’s no doubt such an existence could result in more violence against Israel escalating from this newly-formed base – much like what transpired following Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005.

The proposed Palestinian state has been a long-standing aspiration for many who are driven by a quest for peace. However, it’s important not to overlook some of the primary obstacles impeding its achievement: reservations regarding Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state and difficulties securing Palestine’s acceptance of this condition are among them. Heedless of these historical constraints, Secretary of State Antony Blinken confidently expressed conviction last week about the readiness to forge into “a practical, timebound, irreversible path” towards peaceful coexistence with Israel.

However, it remains puzzling how such confidence persists without any transparent commitment or signs indicating Palestinians’ willingness toward such resolution. Instead of applying due pressure on Palestine with respect to their stance on peaceful cohabitation with Israel, Biden’s administration seems fixated on persuading Arab nations that their future course will break traditional patterns – overlooking once again those who initiated this conflict.

This seemingly forgets or dismisses one pivotal fact; often in history defeated aggressors are not rewarded and certainly not given an opportunity to expand their dominion – something that needs greater attention in reassessing how we approach the real news unfolding around us when viewed through our trusted news outlets and Christian worldview prism.

Original article posted by Fox News

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