“Baptist Associations Pass Pro-Life Resolutions Amid Controversial Anti-Abortion Arguments”

Published on November 24, 2023, 12:51 am

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In recent weeks, both North Carolina and Kentucky Baptist Associations have unanimously passed resolutions calling for equal legal protection for unborn children. These powerful anti-abortion stands reflect a deep-rooted theological conviction that all human life, including that of the unborn, is formed in the image of God and hence deserves safeguarding against any form of violent end under the law.

Despite such biblical truths facing opposition from several corners of society, it’s surprising to find this opposition extending to certain Southern Baptist entities and leaders. Most notably are Brent Leatherwood from the ERLC alongside a group of pastors at the Louisiana Baptist Convention.

During a recent state convention in Louisiana, a pastor proposed a strong anti-abortion resolution. However, despite its biblically grounded wording, it fell flat. Another pastor reputedly gave an impassioned counter-argument packed with some fairly unusual reasonings. This controversy went beyond building on Brent Leatherwood’s narrative about mothers being victims amidst abortion discussions – an argument we’ve covered multiple times – as it ventured into laying culpability on hormonal changes women undergo during the first trimester, leading them to regret their decisions.

The pastor stated,” research reveals that 70 percent of women resort to abortion due to coercion or regret after succumbing to external pressure.” He further argued that it is acknowledged through extensive studies how women experiencing hormonal fluctuations during early pregnancy suffer significant impacts on their decision-making capabilities.

However, scrutinising the sincerity behind these arguments reveals a different scenario altogether. It becomes clear that this line of discourse isn’t prompted by theological conviction but instead stems from pandering efforts aimed at appeasing more liberal and feminist factions within congregations.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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