“Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II’s Strategy to Mobilize Poor and Low-Income Voters in the US”

Published on February 8, 2024, 1:08 am

“Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II’s Strategy to Mobilize Poor and Low-Income Voters in the US”

Image source: Fox News

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Civil rights leader, Reverend Dr. William J. Barber II, recently revealed a new strategy to ‘wake the sleeping giant’, aiming to mobilize 85 million poor and low-income voters. This ambitious plan is tailored towards advancing policies such as universal healthcare with the overarching goal of eradicating poverty from the United States.

Dr. Barber, along with his Poor People’s Campaign co-chair Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, made this announcement at a press conference held at The National Press Club. Serving as a voice for marginalized individuals, Barber stated, “For far too long, extremists have blamed poor people and low-wage people for their plight, while moderates too often have ignored poor people.”

The initiative stresses on ‘awakening the sleeping giant’ by involving economically disadvantaged Americans who remain infrequent voters in the political system; intending to inspire them to implement real change through democratic methods.

The Poor People’s Campaign anticipates organizing a nationally coordinated day of direct action across more than 30 state capitals including Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Illinois and California on March 2nd. They are also preparing for a rally in Washington D.C., scheduled for June 15th.

In its efforts to uplift underprivileged citizens in the US, the campaign supports various policies such as affordable housing availability nationwide, minimum wage increase to $15 per hour and ensuring public education funding among others.

During his interaction with attendees after the press conference concluded, Dr.Barber quelled concerns relating politics and religion together stating that they shouldn’t hesitate when it comes down discussing “the politics of Jesus.”

Voters nationwide will need to make choices regarding who they would elect as their leaders in coming times focusing on factors beyond party lines. According to Barber’s guiding principle – prompt judgement upon politicians must be based on their stance related towards improving lives of those less fortunate and helping uplift workers out of poverty.

This dynamic campaign makes it clear — it is time to rise above partisan considerations and lay stress on the condition of those living in poverty. As Barber poignantly points out, “poverty remains the fourth leading cause of death” in the United States, this is a wake-up-call that can no longer be ignored by politicians, regardless of party preference.

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Original article posted by Fox News

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