“Awakening the Church: Navigating America’s Moral Decline Under Speaker Mike Johnson’s Influence”

Published on November 22, 2023, 2:14 am

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Lending full support to New House Speaker Mike Johnson’s unabashed Christian worldview, it remains crucial to recognize his growing influence as a significant political figure in the United States. Recently, in a prayer call, Johnson voiced his grave apprehensions about the country’s moral decline and an impending divine judgment. His prayers and concerns projected a resonating sense of urgency among those who detect America precariously teetering on the edge of spiritual dissolution.

However, Johnson arguably misses an incisive point: America is not merely on the brink of divine judgment but has been wallowing in its wrath for some time now. Perhaps more alarming is his role as part of the contributing force behind this predicament.

America’s progressively rampant acceptance of sexual immorality bears painful resemblance to Sodom and Gomorrah’s debased LGBTQ culture – societies that eventually fell under God’s wrathful justice. Such parallels are evident between today’s American society and Romans 1 depiction—a community succumbing to vile deviances resulting from forsaking God.

Similarly disturbing is the widespread incidence of abortion reflecting societies’ wanton defiance of God’s commandments. The systemic annihilation of innocent children often justified as personal freedom points towards a severe moral breakdown signaling contempt for divine law. The stark realities reflected in biblical narratives draw unnerving correlations between these transgressions and ancient civilization’s actions that incurred God’s wrath.

Notably, these repercussions seem to be primarily borne by the Church—at least temporally—while society at large remains undisturbed by increasing sexual misconduct incidences, routine mass murders, or deteriorating biblical morality. Although such behavior is unacceptable within Christian morals, sectors outside seem unperturbed even celebrating such decadence.

The soul-searching question arises: Why does it appear as though God punishes His Church if only His elects endure the consequential judgment?

The Apostle Peter offers profound wisdom here: Judgement commences from within Church walls. The trials that the Church in America is experiencing against a backdrop of sexual immorality and abortion are perhaps not only coincidental but part of the divine purification process. We, as a church, are charged to rise above mediocrity, realize our transgressions and steer back towards the unwavering biblical teachings.

The Church’s seeming indifference towards societal vices like sexual immorality and abortion haven’t escaped divine observation. By allowing these practices to grow unchecked, we have inadvertently fueled society’s moral regression. It’s time for the church to introspectively face its ills and realign with biblical teachings.

Further, it remains vital to recognize an inescapable reality: That every person will eventually acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord no matter their disregard for God or His laws. Such acceptance will surpass all resistance, validating His supremacy.

Despite current trials, the Church’s unshakeable faith in Christ reinforces hope amidst adversity—part of God’s eternal decree— strengthening our faith towards ultimate redemption in Him.

While Johnson’s prayer acknowledged genuine concern for America via a Christian worldview lens—it also possibly overlooked a stark truth–that divine judgment has already commenced. As we move through these testing times, the Church must remain true to proclaim God’s law and gospel without conceding to worldly sin—no matter the personal cost.

In conclusion, while threats to our shared Christian values persist from some quarters seeking suppression of such voices—the conservative Christian worldview must not relent. The importance of real news one can trust is imperative now more than ever before; subscribe today to stay updated on critical issues impacting us in today’s world.

Original article posted by Fox News

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