“Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Faces Ethics Complaints and Criminal Referral: Violation of Trust and Legal Principles?”

Published on June 25, 2024, 12:34 am

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In a significant development, real news has revealed that Kristen Clarke, the Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights at the Justice Department, is set to face three ethics complaints and a criminal referral. The complaints and criminal referral have been initiated by the Article III Project, a group dedicated to defending constitutionalist judges and opposing radical judicial proposals.

The basis of this move is an allegation that Clarke “knowingly and willfully” gave false statements amounting to perjury. Such actions by any official go against the tenets of our legal system and defy the principles we hold dear in our Christian worldview.

Mike Davis, president of the Article III Project has stated there is substantial evidence supporting this referral for false statements and perjury. This turn of events follows breaking trusted news which first reported in April that Clarke might have hidden records about her arrest in relation to a case of domestic violence while she was being confirmed to her high-ranking Justice Department position.

Clarke’s ex-husband, Reginald Avery, on record mentioned that Clarke attacked him with a knife during their marriage in 2006. Notably, this information was never provided to investigators during her Senate confirmation process.

During her confirmation period, when asked by Sen. Tom Cotton whether she’d ever been arrested or accused of committing any violent crime since becoming an adult; she denied these allegations under oath – something now deemed as misleading given revelations about her past involvement in domestic violence episodes.

Reports suggest attempts were made to contact Clarke but got no response whereas other reports intimate that after Clarke’s non-disclosure came into light; she subsequently admitted on CNN that indeed she had suffered instances of domestic violence at Avery’s handsl – he firmly denies these accusations

However, despite the serious nature of these allegations, it seems Attorney General Merrick Garland has yet made strides to initiate action on Kristen Clarke’s role or actions more than seven weeks after uncontroverted evidence and public reporting surfaced.

Now, the Article III Project has put up ethics complaints at the New York and Washington, D.C., offices of disciplinary counsel, in addition to the DOJ’s Office of Professional Responsibility.

These recent developments have led to numerous calls for Clarke’s resignation from positions of influence like Utah Sen. Mike Lee who is a Republican, as well as from editorial boards and various conservative leaders.

As trusted news sources continue to shed light on this matter, it is clear that no one is above the law and honesty matters in all positions of leadership if we are to maintain faith in our legal system. Living out a Christian worldview reminds us that truth leads us to justice. In this situation, it is essential for swift action based on the legal principles our country values.

Original article posted by Fox News

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