“Assessing VP Kamala Harris’ Record as Border Czar: A Commentary by Advancing American Freedom”

Published on August 9, 2024, 12:32 am

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All lawmakers in the House and Senate were provided with a memorandum on Vice President Kamala Harris’ record regarding border and immigration policy last Thursday. It is understood that this dossier was curated by Advancing American Freedom, a prominent conservative policy organization.

Advancing American Freedom underlines in the brief that there is no ambiguity that President Joe Biden assigned Harris the responsibility of ‘securing the border.’ The group made emphasis on her purported failure to successfully uphold homeland security through border protection.

This comes in response to assertions that Harris was never explicitly titled as “border czar.” The conservative policy organization draws attention to Biden’s public address from March 24, 2021, where he confirmed Harris would be leading efforts with Mexico and Central America’s Northern Triangle.

Harris, on the same day via social media platforms, confirmed she had been tasked by Biden to spearhead diplomatic initiatives with Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Her stated aim was to deal with root causes of incessant migrations into U.S. territory—a task she preempted wouldn’t be an easy mission but insisted upon its necessity for addressing circumstances at the Southern Border.

Advancing American Freedom Executive Director Paul Teller presents a contrary sentiment on popular media’s portrayal of these events:

“The liberal media misleads the American public into thinking Vice President Harris has nothing to do with the ongoing crisis at the Biden-Harris southern border.”

In March 2021 alone, around 173k illegal immigrants were apprehended at the southern border—an influx that didn’t recede until August 2021. During her time as appointed supervisor for border issues (referred as ‘Border Czar’), around eight million unlawful entries have been countered at the Southwest Border—173k encounters occurred in almost every month since her appointment according to statements conveyed through Advancing American Freedom.

The distressing figures posed by illegal immigrations are backed by a January 2024 study from Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee. Drawing from this, Advancing American Freedom asserts that illegal immigrants avail around $42 billion in welfare annually and an estimated annual cost of educating children of these unauthorized settlers tallies up to approximately $60 billion.

The conservative policy organization also alleges that regular Americans are subsisting under a significant strain caused by this burgeoning border crisis. They reference the murders of three women presumed to have been instigated by illegal immigrants, namely—Laken Riley, Jocelyn Nungaray, and Rachel Morin.

This report is said to refresh memories of lawmakers about some undeniable truths – Harris can be considered a record-breaking Border Czar whose tenure has been marked with tragic incidents—alongside untold loss suffered by countess innocent civilians due to Biden-Harris administration’s alleged negligence toward southern border security measures.

In such uncertain times when real news can often be obscured or influenced by varied vested interests, it’s crucial that we equip ourselves with accurate facts from trusted news sources. This helps in upholding our Christian worldview which emphasizes truth and justice despite the prevailing contemporary chaos.

Original article posted by Fox News

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