“Animated by Compromise: The Surprising Shift in GOP’s Stand on Abortion and Same-Sex Marriage”

Published on July 17, 2024, 12:31 am

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The ongoing abortion debate in the United States has been a critical determining factor, separating those who esteem life, and those who endorse death. Stemming from the historic Roe v. Wade judgment in 1973, known for instigating mass abortions, to the 2022 Dobbs verdict that rescinded it, conservatives have consistently maintained the ethical superiority.

Historically, we’ve labelled the Democratic Party as being fatalistic – linked directly to regulations causing the termination of countless innocent lives. However, recent compromises made by the Republican National Committee (RNC) solidly indicate that they’re inching towards a similar precipice.

For years, conservatives have vested their last hope of pro-life advocacy in the Republican Party. The belief or perhaps naïve optimism existed that the GOP would stand unflinching when defending unborn lives. Unfortunately, recent amendments reflect a severe compromise on these principles. By conforming to Donald Trump’s perspective of “leaving abortion decisions to states” – indirectly suggesting unborn children aren’t entitled to equal protection under law – illustrates RNC’s abandonment of its moral obligation.

Conservatives staunchly believe that life begins at conception – scientifically factual and Biblically endorsed belief. Yet Democrats ardently advocate for “the right to choose,” which is subtly implying approval for ending lives. These core differences have etched our political landscape yet now, with intentions of expanding their base appeal; Republicans decided existential stance-making for life isn’t advantageous anymore.

The predicted scenario raises questions about how long before they fully embrace the death culture they previously resisted? Reality points out that relegating abortion laws decision-making responsibility solely to states equals shirking responsibility and signals a dangerous trajectory within Republican Party’s platform.

Constitution’s fourteenth amendment federally protects human life rights – no state government should evade this responsibility; rather it is a federal requirement. Allowing individual states sovereign rights over legality of abortion suggests disbelief in equal protection status for the unborn, or categorically denial of full human status for unborn children.

Can we blindly continue to advocate a party that is merely a decade, possibly less, behind Democrats on this issue?

This drastic shifts in GOP’s strategy regarding same-sex marriages seems ominously close to what Democrats have pioneered. A clear indication of the Republican National Committee’s reported toning down their stand on same-sex marriage. For years, supporting “the lesser of two evils” has been our fallback doctrine. What if the marginally less evil becomes extraordinarily akin to the greater evil?

There lies no hyperbole in asserting that Republicans are no longer champions of conservative principles and the sanctity of life like before. They’ve evolved into a compromise endorsing political unit, willing to sacrifice quintessential principles for political benefit sake.

This party is far from its original form – an opposing force against harmful progressive arguments framing leftist politics or a champion advocating sanctity of life including biblical definition of marriage.

This shift has left us with an entity rapidly dissipating its moral coding; wilfully pleasing hoi polloi instead defence rods religious convictions. In all honesty, can such drastically diluted principles be trusted? No reason remains justifying support for Republican Party based on reasons we’ve criticized Democratic Party. A harsh reality ensues; they are no longer paradigm upholders of life and conventional values; The GOP is evolving into an epitome of compromise – it might be about time to acknowledge this bitter truth.

Original article posted by Fox News

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