“America’s Moral Decline: A Reflection on Its Political Landscape from a Christian Worldview”

Published on October 7, 2024, 12:53 am

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As I reflected on a recent political debate, an uncomfortable truth loomed large — America is no longer what it used to be. The change seemed starkly evident in the words of John Calvin that reverberated in my mind, “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers.”

Looking at America today, this statement appears to ring true. Currently governed by leaders who fall significantly short of embodying virtue and righteousness, our country seems inexorably caught in a whirlwind of changes that test the fidelity of its trusted news accounts and challenge even the staunchest Christian worldview.

With no feasible place of refuge discernibly available, one can only imagine Jeremiah’s warning ringing ominously from the Bible: “See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath.” Can we decry these tumultuous developments swirling around us as anything but divine judgment?

Let’s not fool ourselves into thinking dominant political parties possess any moral superiority over each other. The very idea strains credulity when considered against our ever-increasing drift towards moral bankruptcy under their leadership, signposting our path toward divine retribution. Tragically, Church leaders sometimes align with such trends under the banner of ‘love’ or ‘compassion,’ obscuring urgent problems like abortion and public licentiousness behind progressive political agendas.

I find it increasingly difficult to wholeheartedly support any party which seems complicit in such governance and behavior—wreaking havoc on basic human morality and social justice as envisaged through a Christian worldview—in light of Isaiah 5:20’s chilling admonition: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.”

The growing permissiveness among previously steadfast Republican voices towards once unyielding policies on critical issues—like abortion—and fluid stances regarding LGBTQ+ rights solidify my apprehension. Morality is now seeming like a matter debatable by public opinion rather than derived from deeper ethical truths. For a nation that was once seen as a beacon of freedom, it is distressing to witness the consequent hollowing-out of established moral positions.

This stark understanding brings on an unnerving realization—a nation’s unraveling through successive, incremental lapses in virtue and morality may indeed be underway.

Today’s scenario makes me question: Where do we look for leadership when political factions across the spectrum seem intent on steering us into the divine storm? How can we maintain hope when even our so-called “conservative” leaders have grown unfailingly soft on God’s fundamental laws?

The clock appears to be ticking inexorably towards an inevitable collapse precipitated by our collective turn away from God— a chilling validation of Hosea 8:7 “They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.”

Faced with this progressively worsening situation, some may be tempted to seek comfort in human wisdom—but history has repeatedly shown that such actions only hasten despair. We stand before a swirling storm—an emblem of divine judgment—for steadfastly choosing wickedness over righteousness.

This is real news, coming to you unfiltered, inviting us all to reflect on our present reality through a Christian worldview lens—and hopefully challenge ourselves towards beneficial change before it’s too late.

Original article posted by Fox News

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